英语人>词典>汉英 : 专制君主 的英文翻译,例句
专制君主 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
despot  ·  despots

更多网络例句与专制君主相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The advisor system is a component of China's absolute monarchy and an important political and historical phenomenon in ancient China.


During the civil war, he chose not to tone down his rhetoric favoring absolutist monarchy as did many other royalists.


The nobles tried to limit the powers of the autocrat without success.


In the minds of many authorities, Basil II was the greatest of all the emperors of Byzantium.


That king was generally regarded as having been an enlightened despot.


In early times, when a despot wishes to govern a distant province, he sends down a satrap on a grand horse, and other people on little horses; and very little is heard of the satrap again unless he send back some of the little people to tell what he has been doing.


Howard felt that FDR was a despot who had grandstanded his way to popularity.


Legislation, the enactments of a legislature which, whether it take the form of an autocratic prince or of a parliamentary assembly, is the assumed organ of the entire society, is the last of the ameliorating instrumentalities.


One of the few points of agreement for most of the 20th century was that tsars were a Bad Thing, a particularly nasty example of natural selection that started with some brutal caesars, took in some belligerent kaisers and found its most excruciating expression in the Russian variants.


My friends, we have met here today to celebrate the idea that has prompted thousands of working-people of Louisville and New Albany to parade the streets of that prompts the toilers of Chicago to turn out by their fifty or hundred thousand of men; that prompts the vast army of wage-workers in New York to demonstrate their enthusiasm and appreciation of the importance of this idea; that prompts the toilers of England, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Austria to defy the manifestos of the autocrats of the world and say that on May the first, 1890, the wage-workers of the world will lay down their tools in sympathy with the wage-workers of America, to establish a principle of limitations of hours of labor to eight hours for sleep , eight hours for work, and eight hours for what we will.


更多网络解释与专制君主相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolute monarchy:专制君主政体

aborigines 土著 | absolute monarchy 专制君主政体 | absolutism 专制政治


absolute monarchy 专制君主政体 | absolutism 专制政治 | abstention from voting 放弃投票


authoritarianism权力主义,独裁主义 | autocrat独裁者,专制君主,独断独行的人 | bureaucratist官僚主义者


savage 野蛮的,蛮横的 | autocrat 独裁者,专制君主 | adulation 谄媚,奉承

benevolent despot:开明专制君主

Bene , Edvard 班恩斯 / 瓦班尼 | benevolent despot 开明专制君主 | Bentham, Jeremy 边沁

the system of constitutional monarchy:君主立宪制

君民共主:making a constitutional monarchy nation | 君主立宪制:the system of constitutional monarchy | 君主集权与专制:Centralized and autocratic monarchy


为用不同的名称称呼不同的事物,我用"暴君"一词称呼君主权威的篡位者,而用"专制君主"(despot)称呼主权权力的篡权者. 暴君虽非法登位但依法而治,专制君主可是把自己放在法律之上. 因此,暴君不一定是专制君主,但专制的君主一定是暴君.

The Despot:专制君主

Elite Bandeirantes精锐旗兵 | The Despot专制君主 | The Senator参议员


recalcitrant 固执的,顽抗的 | tyrant 暴君;专制君主 | complaisant 顺从的,讨好的


Caesar /罗马的将军/政治家/历史家/ | Caesarism /君主政治/专制政治/帝政主义/ | Caesarist /帝政主义者/