英语人>词典>汉英 : 与营养有关的 的英文翻译,例句
与营养有关的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Objective To explore the metabolism of micronutri ents related to dark adaptation of radar operators through nutritional intervent ion.


Undernourishment and anemia was severity, especially in countryside area.overnutrtion-related chronic non-communicable disease have become important public health problem in guangxi , the position is very severe.


There are a weight index , physique percentage mainly and spend three kinds fatly to point out the present fat diagnostic standard; The fat endangers the middle-aged and old health seriously, many kinds of diseases relate to the fact that fat ; The fat reason to produce has inherent cause, physiological factor, psychological factor, social environmental factor, bad eating habit factor and factor related to movement,etc. mainly; Have probe into advantage that oxygen keeps fit through sports of having, has combined the middle-aged and old characteristic and proposed the middle-aged and old weight-reducing movement prescription , put forward the nutrition with method of weight-reducing of oxygen movements to intervene at the same time .


IGF-I in hepatic cirrhosis correlated with body fat mass、body fat rate、BMI、insulin and ISI. 4 Patients with liver cirrhosis often have all kinds of incretionary and metabolic abnormality, among which insulin resistance an

因此,瘦素参与了肝硬化时的营养不良。3 肝硬化患者与正常对照组IGF-I水平无显著性差异,但肝硬化IGF-I与体脂量、体脂率、体重指数、胰岛素、胰岛素敏感指数相关。4 肝硬化患者存在多种内分泌和代谢异常,尤其是存在胰岛素抵抗和生长激素抵抗,ghrelin、瘦素升高可能都与此有关。

It has been proved by previous studies that peripheral nerve injury can induce a series of changes of expression of some neural active material and their receptors either in the somata or in the terminals of the damaged primary afferent neurons and motoneurons. These changes may reflect a re-ordering of metabolic priorities so that the synthesis of trophic factors or growth-associated proteins augmented while that of neurotransmitter-related proteins decreased.


It also have brief introduction of the threpsology ABC, the nutritive value of different food, the change of nutritional ingredient in different food by orthodox cooking method, and the compare of microwave cooking and orthodox cooking.


In the 15th day, the villuses present a shape of finger and have rough surface in which there are less foramina.


Therefore, researches on breeding, genetics, nutrition and husbandry, dairy technology, management and biotechnology of economically valuable animals, and of laboratory species relevant to agriculture, are available through this site.


The nitrogen balance,protein and fa t metabolism,infection related com plications and hospitalization dur ation were analyzed between two groups.


The calcareous BMD of 13~15 year-old healthy teenagers has interrelates with the sex and the speed of the growth. The weight and females hormone have evidently effect to BMD.

:13~ 15岁少年足跟部 BMD与性别有关、与身高增长快慢亦有关系,体重、雌激素对 BMD有明显的影响,在此时期应加强改善营养,增加补钙等干预措施。

更多网络解释与与营养有关的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


事实上,奶业技术人员在从事其它乳制品生产的长期实践中,也遇到了大量与乳蛋白质变性有关的现象,为了结合理解未变性的乳蛋白质的营养价值,现就酸牛奶(yoghurt)和天然奶酪(natural cheese)两种发酵乳制品的凝块(curd)说起.


玻璃体没有血管也没有神经,由脉络膜及毛样体的血管供给营养,一方面与水晶体的营养有关. (9)视神经(Nerveus Opticus)视神经是对视觉的神经传导路,亦叫视路. (A)结膜炎(Conjunctivitis)(B)角膜炎(Keratitis)(C)全眼球炎(Panophthalmitis)


缺少蛋白质引起的综合征统称为恶性营养不良病(Kwashiorkor). 迪克曼(Dieckmann)等人1951年分析了612名孕妇的膳食蛋白质摄人量与婴儿健康、流产的关系后指出. 低水平的蛋白质摄入与妊娠前期流产和婴儿疾病的发生有关(见下表):


恶性贫血的致死率曾达 98~99 %,当时的医学界对它完全束手无策,直到莫非(Murphy)、薛波(Shipple)及敏诺特(Minot)医生们开始他们的经典研究,发现恶性贫血与营养缺乏有关.


nutritiousness 有营养成份 | nutritive 有营养成分的 | nutritive 与营养有关的


nutritive 有营养成分的 | nutritive 与营养有关的 | nutritorium 营养器官


玻璃体没有血管也没有神经,由脉络膜及毛样体的血管供给营养,一方面与水晶体的营养有关. (9)视神经(Nerveus Opticus)视神经是对视觉的神经传导路,亦叫视路. (A)结膜炎(Conjunctivitis)(B)角膜炎(Keratitis)(C)全眼球炎(Panophthalmitis)


这种维生素都是以微胶粒(micella)的形式被吸收的. 维生素A被吸收入体内后,是以一分子的视黄醇与蛋白质[即一分子的特殊运输蛋白质,视黄醇结合蛋白(RBP)与一分子的前白蛋白]形成复合分子后转运的,所以也与蛋白质的营养情况密切有关.


简易营养评估(MNA)是一项确定老年人健康状态的评估测验,用於诊断和预防营养不良,了解这些非常重要,因为它是治疗的基础,可以与医生讨论有关您的问题. 简易营养评估(MNA)是一项确定老年人健康状态的评估测验,用於诊断和预防营养不良.

progressive muscular dystrophy:进行性肌营养不良

进行性肌营养不良(progressive muscular dystrophy)是一组由遗传因素所致的缓慢进展的肌肉变性疾病,表现为受累骨骼肌对称性无力与萎缩、可涉及心肌. 常有家族史,与遗传有关. 359.117