英语人>词典>汉英 : 与政治无关的 的英文翻译,例句
与政治无关的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与与政治无关的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the end, precisely because there appears to be this curious institutional naivety about the impact of gender imbalance as well as the impact of pornography, indeed, about the interplay between sex and politics altogether, I find it more and more plausible that they mean what they say. This really is an attempt to control sex on the web, and has nothing to do with dissidence.


He supported unfettered free markets with political debate confined to minor issues unrelated to the distribution of goods and services he wanted left to the free-wheeling marketplace.


The point in dispute has nothing to do with politics.


This letter does not pertain to politics.


You can recommend the people of polity and you also can recommend the people which has nothing to do with politics.


The left-wing created the image of the Punks as Leftist (while in the beginning had nothing to do with party politics) while the revival of the skinhead style was taken advantage of by the right wing.


Tagore wasappalled by it, both because he thought that introducing politics into asituation in which a lot of the people killed were children who had nothing todo with untouchability was a pretty nasty thing to do.


He has been called a dressing-room snitch, a destabilising influence and the cause of the political infighting that is undermining Chelsea, but in an interview with The Times last night, the Ukraine forward began his fightback.

他被称做是更衣室的眼线,球队动荡的罪魁祸首和切尔西内部政治斗争的导火索,但是在昨晚与 TIMES 的一次交谈当中,这名乌克兰前锋开始反击,他说,&我变成了那些与我无关的事情的替罪羊。&

This has nothing to do with political reform,' said an editor at a government-run newspaper.


In the end, this isn't about politics. This is about people's lives and livelihoods.


更多网络解释与与政治无关的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

apolitical:非政治的, 与政治无关的

conformism 盲目因袭的态度,因循守旧 | apolitical 非政治的, 与政治无关的 | sedicious 煽动性的, 妨害治安的


我们要记住--这与政治或金钱无关,也不是为了报复(revenge)烟草行业过去的行为,我们并不试图让烟草公司关门. 我们是要他们不再向孩子们出售香烟. 这个星期参议院取得的进步表明在两党中都有完成这项任务的势头(momentum). 最后,


义并不强调"民治"(rule by the people)或政治平等(古典民主则正是强调其对个人自由的保护,而在其发展人的潜能和昭示"公意"(general will)的与该法律事务所无关. 本文译自网上期刊"视野"(PERSPECTIVES)第一卷,第

non-combat-related political assassinations:与战斗无关的政治暗杀

non-combatants;非战斗员;; | non-combat-related political assassinations;与战斗无关的政治暗杀;; | non-commercial payment;非贸易支付;;