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与...会谈 的英文翻译、例句


have a conversation with
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The boss revealed he has held positive talks with Chairman Martin Broughton and will hold another meeting with the Reds chief next week.


For Chen Yunlin's Taiwan visit, the Kuomingtang administration has specifically deployed some seven thousand policemen and special agents to cordon off the venues where Chen would appear in an attempt to prevent the public from raising protests.


Meanwhile, Singapore is due to sign trade agreements with Japan as well as the European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland).


It has refused to hold talks with the main Kashmiri political groups, on the ground that they want Pakistan to be seated at the negotiating table with them.


During his compactedly scheduled state visit, President Ciampi had successive talks and meetings with Chinese leaders Premier Wen Jiaobao and President Hu Jintao as well as some Chinese senior officials, including Dai Xianglong, Major of Tianjin, Wang Qishan, Major of Beijing, Yuan Chunqing, Deputy Secretary of Shanxi Province Committee, Han Zheng, Major of Shanghai and Wei Jiafu, President of China Ocean Shipping Company.


In Beijing, Mr. Zoellick will meet with senior leaders and ministers of the Chinese Government to gain an insight into the country's development strategies and how the World Bank Group can help China reach its development goals.


Regardless of their mix of on-site and off-site activities or their use of work done by external accountants, banking supervisors usually have regular contact with bank management and a thorough understanding of the institution's operations. This may take the form of prudential meetings held between supervisor and bank, and/or tri-party meetings held among supervisor, bank and the bank's auditor to discuss regularly all significant issues and areas of their business.


In ancient Japan, when a new student seeks admission to study at a monastery, he is required to have an audience with the master, a sort of pre-entrance interview if you will.


After years of refusing direct talks with Myanmar, also known as Burma, the United States has indicated a possible re-engagement with the military regime it considers repressive for cracking down on political opposition, including the National League for Democracy led by detained Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi.


After discussing affairs concerning increased communications and cooperation, a Summary of Talks was signed. In September 1996, Mr. Li Chunting, then provincial governor of Shandong, headed a delegation to visit Upper Austria and formally signed the Establishment of Friendly Relationships between Shandong Province of the People's Republic of China and Upper Austria of the Federal Republic of Austria.


更多网络解释与与...会谈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




公司和美国西北航空公司安全考察 口、笔译 (广州 新白云国际机场) 15/1/05 欧洲游艺巡展 魔卡嘉年华新闻吹风会 交替传译(广州 财富广场) 26/11/04-9/12 中国民航总局(CAAC)官方考察团赴美国与美国国土安全部会谈 交替传译;


对此,该美国高官回应说:"我们的提案都摆在谈判桌上. "他多次强调,如果重启六方会谈,美国可以发挥灵活性. 他还就南北对话中讨论北核问题表示:"我们与南韩政府保持密切的接触和协商. 我们没有阻止(discourage)南韩与北韩的对话. "


姆 贝基抵达伦敦,与英国首相托尼.布莱尔 (Tony Blair)进行会谈,他对世贸组织(WTO) 多哈(Doha)回合贸易谈判进展不利表示忧虑. 他表示,贸易谈判必须列入今年7月圣彼得堡 八国集团(G8)峰会的日程中. 届时姆贝基将作 为发展中国家的代表出席此次峰会.

Geneva Nuclear and Space Talks:日内瓦核与空间会谈

Geneva Meeting of Cairns Group Ministers;凯恩斯集团日内瓦部长会议;; | Geneva Nuclear and Space Talks;日内瓦核与空间会谈;; | Geneva Peace Conference on the Middle East;日内瓦中东和平会议;;

ready room:準备室

然后他要求与 Troi 在准备室 (Ready Room) 私下会谈. 那儿,他诚实地述说他对 Nella 的着迷 ,以及对与在他指挥下的女性约会所感到的忧心. Troi 鼓励他,他才感到舒缓. 接 着,Picard 在他的舱房与 Nella 分享一些他最私密的想法,

Wilfrid Laurier University:劳瑞尔大学

应加拿大驻上海总领事馆的邀请,蒋承勇校长于11月10出席开幕式,并在开幕式后与加拿大几所大学的代表进行了会谈,最后与安大略省威尔弗里德.劳瑞尔大学(Wilfrid Laurier University)滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo) 达成合作意向.

Xavier University:萨维尔大学

11月25日 海闻教授接待了美国萨维尔大学(Xavier University)和平与公正项目办公室主任本杰明.厄姆斯顿(Benjamin J. Urmston)、罗世范博士(Stephan Rothlin)一行三人. 11月27日 海闻教授与中心董事、福特基金会首任驻华代表盖思南(Peter Geithner)进行了会谈.

Timo Glock:蒂姆.格洛克

新浪体育讯 近日宝马-索伯车队官方确认,蒂姆-格洛克(Timo Glock)被确认为下赛季车队的二号试车手. 他将与塞巴斯蒂安-维特尔一起为宝马-索伯车队试车. 据<<汽车运动>>杂志网站透露,格洛克上周与这支瑞士车队就参加完今年冬季试车之后自己的前途进行了会谈.


y Fence)灰人(Greys)到达地球, 但由于时间旅行的缘故,他们似乎已在地球数千年之久Zetas开始他与人类的杂交(hybridization)计划艾森豪( Eisenhower)代表NSA 与灰人第一次会谈.MJ-12 成立地球开始由第3维度逐渐转变为第4维度,