英语人>词典>汉英 : 不谅解的 的英文翻译,例句
不谅解的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不谅解的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's way too easy for me to make an incorrect statement about jQuery as I'm still learning it, so please forgive me if I misspeak (er- mistype?) here.


This is a story exploring my Hakka family and myself. Through the course of reflections, the unforgiveness for my family and the ego influenced by external expectations are re-understood in a new way. Through narrative inquiry and action reflection methods, different meanings were reconstructed from presumedly fixed believes. In this way, stubborn willful selves were changed and real images different from the past were re-constructed.


An unrepentant, other people can not get the respect and understanding.


The quran basic teachings 古兰经基础问答作者: Thomas ballantine lrving ,khurshid ahmad,Muhammad manazir ahsan 396


With regard to their undertaking therein to notify, to the maximum extent possible, their adoption of trade measures affecting the operation of GATT 1994, such notification itself being without prejudice to views on the consistency of measures with or their relevance to rights and obligations under the Multilateral Trade Agreements and, where applicable, the Plurilateral Trade Agreements, Members agree to be guided, as appropriate, by the annexed list of measures.

它们在该谅解中承诺在最大限度内通知各自采取的影响GATT 1994运用的贸易措施,该通知本身不损害关于这些措施与多边贸易协定项下和适用的诸边贸易协定项下权利和义务一致性和相关性的看法,各成员同意酌情按照所附措施清单的指导,各成员因此同意对此类措施的采用或修改应遵守1979年谅解的通知要求。

The act of condoning, especially the implied forgiveness of an offense by ignoring it.


I think the media and sadly obsession kind of causes that misunderstanding between celebs and their fans.


I wanted to explore long-lasting love and its possible steep price tag, homophobic antipathy and denial.


It's way too easy for me to make an incorrect statementabout jQuery as I'm still learning it, so please forgive me if Imisspeak (er- mistype?) here.


We understand the leaders of each country seldom or are difficult to fulfill forgiveness. But, human leaders of the century who man anchor great hope in, strive to make this great and uncommon step!


更多网络解释与不谅解的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



I see that man in the street:我在街下看到这个男的

pardon 请谅解,再说一遍 | I see that man in the street. 我在街下看到这个男的. | Nothing to fear but fear itself. 不什么否胆怯的,除了恐怖自身.


只要不制造"两个中国",北京方面会听取台湾的声音. 例如与WHO 达成协议,同意其就国际卫生条例(IHR)技术性事宜与台湾联络点直接联系. 2005年,中国大陆与WHO签订了"谅解备忘录"(MOU),就是要协助台湾医卫专家参加WHO的技术性活动.

Open-ended Sub-committee on Good Neighbourliness:睦邻问题不限成员名额小组委员会

open-ended memorandum of understanding;无限期的谅解备忘录;; | Open-ended Sub-committee on Good Neighbourliness;睦邻问题不限成员名额小组委员会;; | open-ended working group;不限成员名额工作组;;




德国实践中却广泛存在一种由当事人与执行机关约定负担一定义务而不加禁止的"同意"(Zusage)行为,学说及实务普遍将其性质视其为"从属性公法契约";英国公平交易法(Fair Trading Act)第88条正式确立了"谅解"(understanding)的合法地位,而该程


understand v.理解,谅解;获悉,认为, | unevenly 不平坦地 | unfamiliar a.不熟悉的

unpatriotic:不爱国的, 无爱国心的

understanding谅解的,能谅解的 | unpatriotic不爱国的, 无爱国心的 | whimsical古怪的;异想天开的(编辑:管理员)