英语人>词典>汉英 : 不证自明的 的英文翻译,例句
不证自明的 的英文翻译、例句


self evident · self-evident
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It is among the truths believed to be self-evident by the followers of all religions that godlessness is equivalent to amorality and that ethics requires the underpinning presence of some sort of ultimate arbiter, some sort of supernatural absolute, without which secularism, humanism, relativism, hedonism, liberalism and all manner of permissive improprieties will inevitably seduce the unbeliever down immoral ways.


Humanitarian and human rights to talk of human society, so be kind to animals should be a self-evident axioms.


In logic: a proposition that is not susceptible of proof or disproof; its truth is assumed to be self-evident.


For Melchior it is self-evident that "the job of transmitting values to our children cannot be left to strangers."


It is rather a self-satisfied superior's playful mystification of those readers whose limited powers do not enable them to see that his proposition is self-evident 17, 1919, pp.


No concrete proposition is self evident, no matter how ready we may be to accept it, not even Mr. Herbert Spencer's "Every man has a right to do what he wills, provided he interferes not with a like right on the part of his neighbors."


The part of the assertion that is not tautological or self-evident is that the "freedom" of labor, whichMarx stresses so heavily in VolumeⅠas a prerequisite of the historical stage of capitalist production, guarantees a tendency toward equality of surplus value per laborer in every industry, when value is measured in the terms of labor.


The part of the assertion that is not tautological or self-evident is that the "freedom" of labor, which Marx stresses so heavily in VolumeⅠas a prerequisite of the historical stage of capitalist production, guarantees a tendency toward equality of surplus value per laborer in every industry, when value is measured in the terms of labor.


It seems self-evident in political science nowadays because we all act on the premise that has been affirmed ever since the establishment of modern Westphalian System.


That is a somewhat curious dogma, but it is one of their dogmas.


更多网络解释与不证自明的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

analytic proposition:分析命题

这不仅是由于他在定义上将宗教先验地预设在一切文化之中,还由于他将"宗教是文化的实质,文化是宗教的形式"这一类综合命题(synthetic proposition)当作不证自明的分析命题(analytic proposition)来使用,以致推导出另一个极端的结论:"非宗教艺术根本是不可能的",


1.不证自明的(axiomatic)和演绎的(deductive)古典契约法在本质上是不证自明的. 它基于这样一种前提假设:教义性的命题(doctrinal proposition)都建立在"自证的"(self-evident)基础之上. 因此,


Eisenberg甚至认为,关系契约理论是古典契约理论的一个镜像(a mirror image),这是因为:古典契约法是不证自明的和演绎的,而关系契约理论是开放的(open)和归纳的(inductive);古典契约法是标准化的,而关系契约理论是个别化的(individualized);

self-educated:自修的; 自我教育的; 自学的

self-driven 自动的; 自励的 | self-educated 自修的; 自我教育的; 自学的 | self-evident 自明的, 不言而喻的, 不证自明的


- pride 骄傲, 自豪 | - self-evident 不证自明的 | - absurd 荒谬的

self-explaining:不需加以说明的; 自明的

self-evident 自明的, 不言而喻的, 不证自明的 | self-explaining 不需加以说明的; 自明的 | self-explanatory 自明的, 不需加以说明的