英语人>词典>汉英 : 不等的 的英文翻译,例句
不等的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不等的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acute radiation injury as well as radiotherapy and chemotherapy of tumor can lead to different extents of bone marrow aplasia.


METHODS: Thirty one patients with primary bronchogenic carcinoma were treated by Nd:YAG laser interventional technology for different times.

对 31例原发性支气管肺癌患者采用Nd :YAG激光介入技术进行次数不等的支气管腔内治疗。

METHODS: Thirtyone patients with primary bronchogenic carcinoma were treated by Nd:YAG laser interventional technology for different times.


General staffLord Marshal, Captain General, Lord Castellan and Staff Officers of Ranks from General to Lieutenant


In 2003 America's Department of Commerce hit imports of the fish with duties of 37-64%.


And most of visible region, coving the range of wavelength from 340-360nm can induce ERG reactions with different amplitude, according to the size of ERGs amplitude (perk-perk value), there are three or four perks in their spectral sensitivity curves.


To encourage testing, they will come up with 30-50 yuan, ranging from phone cards, drinks coupons and even the form of cash awards, but no money for these 62 people dead lift blood.


The superficial microvascular networks were sparser, while the subpleural microvascular networks were denser. The superficial blood vessels and the interlobular blood vessels were mutual transitional, and the anastomosing between the superficial blood vessels with the subpleural vessels. According to the branching sequence of the subpleural arteriole, it could be divided into the arteriole, terminal arteriole, precapillary arteriole and capillary in turn. The subpleural capillary networks were mainly web-like, while small holes were also found on the cast. The honeycomb vascular networks were various in size and form at a low magnification. The outline of alveolus, alveolar sac, alveolar duct and respiratory bronchiole and terminal bronchiole, made of microvascular networks, could be found in the cut surface.


Results there were unconsciousness, respiratory rhythm disturbance and hyporeflexia of pupil light reflex immediately after injury, and reactiveness decrease and activity retardation still existed even after resuming consciousness. at anatomical scene, subarachnoid hemorrhage or cerebroventricular haemorrhage were widespread. at an early stage, there were swelling, collapse, and axonal retraction ball formation at cortico-medulla junction, callosum, brainstem, and cerebellar white matter under microscope. but at the later stage, gitter cell proliferation and nest-like aggregation were major pathophysiological changes at focal brain tissue.

结果 伤后大鼠均即刻出现原发昏迷,其中2只于损伤后20 min内死亡,余持续时间1-30 min不等;伤后大鼠呼吸节律紊乱,瞳孔对光反射减弱或消失,醒后均有程度不等的反应性下降,肢体活动迟缓;肉眼可见广泛蛛网膜下腔出血或脑室出血;光镜下可见皮髓交界区、胼胝体区、脑干、小脑白质等部位的神经轴索有不同程度的肿胀、断裂、轴索球形成,后期有小胶质细胞增生,局部呈巢样聚集。

First observation of the essential oil of UVA (320-400nm) absorption, taking nine more before the absorption of essential oils and nine of the past record or doubt further analysis of essential oils, UVA nine large oil absorption of the former are: cinnamon, pheasant pepper, sweet orange, lemon, basil, grapefruit, bluegrass rock, roses, dill, 9 kinds of essential oils may be phototoxic as follows: orange blossom, bergamot, fennel, lemon grass, red mandarin, citronella oil, ginger oil, Australia sandalwood oil, lime; E.

首先观察精油的UVA(320-400nm)吸收度,取前九名有较大吸收之精油及九种过往记载或存疑之精油进一步分析,UVA较大吸收度之前九名精油分别为:肉桂、山鸡椒、甜橙、柠檬、罗勒、葡萄柚、岩兰草、玫瑰、莳萝,九种可能光毒精油为:橙花、佛手柑、茴香、柠檬草、红柑、香茅油、姜油、澳洲檀香油、莱姆;大肠杆菌抑菌圈变化中,柠檬、红柑及葡萄柚精油有明显的扩大现象;pUC119 DNA电泳结果,不同精油於电泳模式中,随UVA照光能量增加产生不等断裂情形,除玫瑰精油无影响,其余精油在UVA照光能量增加下皆有不等的DNA断裂情形发生,须再进一步试验。

更多网络解释与不等的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


花被的存续部分;洮幓搵d在茎干上的叶 induviae | 两侧不等的 inequilateral | 内花被 iner perianth



tantamount - incommensurate:等量的 - 不等的

650. tangy - bland 刺激的 - 温和的 | 651. tantamount - incommensurate 等量的 - 不等的 | 652. taper - 使尾尖, 减少


anisochronous 非等时同步 | anisocoria 瞳孔不等的 | anisocytosis 红血球不均


anisocytosis 红血球不均 | anisodactylous 足趾长短不等的 | anisodont 牙齿不齐的


"甲苯醚","anisol ; methylphenylether" | "异数性;花中各环器官数不等的","anisomerous" | "拟同型叶;异型叶","anisophyll"


"异型孢子的","anisosporous ; heterosporous" | "渗透压不等的","anisotonic" | "异折光的;不同方向折光力不等的;异向性的","anisotropic"


不同细胞的 heterocellular | 凹度不等的,凹凸不同的 heterocelous,heterocoelous | 大小头联胎 heterocephalus


syllabic nuncleus 音節語素;音節詞位 | imparisyllabic 音節數不等的 | synizesis 音節縮合;元音溶合


"不平衡;非平衡态","nonequilibrium" | "非等效的;不等的","nonequivalent" | "非主要特性","nonessential property"