英语人>词典>汉英 : 不符合 的英文翻译,例句
不符合 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

fall short · fall short of · not conform to
更多网络例句与不符合相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The quality supervision departments, industry and commerce administrative departments, and food and drug supervision and administration departments at and above the county level shall enter the information on the food producers' recalls of food failing to meet the food safety standards and the food business operators' cessation of business operations on food failing to meet the food safety standards into the food safety credit files for food producers and business operators.


It was showed that wheat gliadins were codominant and the female parent prevailed in F1; there were 9 bands segarated as a pair of gene, for example, Gli-23.2, 34.8, 40.2, 46.2, 71.5, 73.8, 13.9, 26.0, 50.0 and there were 9 bands separated as two pairs of genes in F2, in addition, Gli-17. 8 did not follow with any one of them.


When writing a composition with English, often behave all be used to according to Chinese to choose structure of word, sentence-making, text, cause a term tie-in and undeserved, sentential structure is lax close or do not accord with Englishism, text structure does not accord with the problem such as English habit.


The gist lies in righteousness." A noble man may not necessarily stick to minor faith and minor deed. The key is to treat "faith from an overall situation of righteousness. Be faithful to what is righteous and don't be faithful to what is not.


Suspects and defendants can also be the subjects of perjury in several conditions. Anyone who records wordage evidence would commit perjury if he makes a false record intentionally. The purpose of perjury that is provided by criminal law does not meet with the requirement of the legal interests of perjury. In accord with these legal interests,"objective theory" is more reasonable on the cognizance of "false". It is unreasonable that the criminal law limits perjury in criminal proceedings.


And now there are still refined decoration room the following issues: the decoration style home who can not meet the specific requirements and aesthetic taste, do not meet the basic rules of home design; decoration poor quality, specifically manifested in the material以次充好, jerry-building , did not meet the basic requirements of environmental protection, the existence of security risks and other issues.


The value that can be provided to an organization can be enhanced or diminished by the review that an auditor conducts of the organization's response to a nonconformity, as well as by the "close-out" process that is applied.


The value that can be provided to an organization can be enhanced or diminished by the review that an auditor conducts of the organization's response to a nonconformity, as well as by the "close-out" process that is applied.


The resolution "does not serve our interests nor that of the people of Palestine," said Hamas official Raafat Morra, speaking from Lebanon.

Hamas的官员Raafat Morra在黎巴嫩说:&决议既不符合我们的兴趣也不符合巴勒斯坦人民的实际,没有符合巴勒斯坦人民的意愿和基本目标。&

2 Removal of 39.1 Improper Work, Materials or Plant The Engineer shall have authority to issue instructions from time to time, for: the removal from the Site, within such time or times as may be specified in the instruction, of any materials or Plant which, in the opinion of the Engineer, are not in accordance with the Contract, the substitution of proper and suitable materials or Plant, and the removal and proper re-execution, notwithstanding any previous test thereof of interim payment therefore, of any work which, in respect of materials, Plant or workmanship, or design by the Contractor or for which he is responsible, is not, in the opinion of the Engineer, in accordance with the Contract.

工程师有权随时发出指令:在指令规定的时间内一次或分几次从现场运走工程师认为不符合合同规定的任何 34 不合格工 39.1 程,材料或设备的拆除和运走材料或设备;用适用合格的材料或设备取代原来的材料或设备;对尽管先前已进行过检验或中间支付,但工程师认为材料,设备或施工工艺,或由承包人本身进行的或由其负责设计的不符合合同规定的工程拆除并重新施工。

更多网络解释与不符合相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(2)不符合(discrepancy) 这种不一致常常发生在次系统的行为和目标之间,是一种无法达到预期目标的行为. (3)不和谐(incompatibility) 在同一情境中,两个次系统的目标和行为互相冲突以致对个体不利. (4)优势(dominance) 不论当时是什么情境或是否对其他次系统有害,

fall short:缺乏; 不足; 达不到(目标); 不符合

fall over oneself (因匆忙或动作不灵)跌跤; 拼命赶; 渴望(for); [口]给弄糊涂了 | fall short 缺乏; 不足; 达不到(目标); 不符合 | fall short of 缺乏; 不足; 达不到(目标); 不符合

fall short:达不到,不符合

fall short 达不到,不符合 | provide for sth. 为...做准备 | provide for sb. 供应某人所需




sp;1.不合格(不符合)(nonconformity)(2)标准中没有顾客满意度的定义. 但近年来不少国家都在开展顾客满意度的研究,用顾客满意度指数(CSI)来表示顾客对企业提供产品或服务质量的满意程度,并指出规范质量和兴趣质量的提高,可以显著提高顾客满意度.

A number is out of range:数字大小不符合要求

8 Special character 数据特殊符号 | 9 A number is out of range 数字大小不符合要求 | 10 Illegal url URL不符合要求

Type mismatch in redeclaration of 'XXX:(重定义类型不符合)

Type missmatch in parameter 'XXXXXXX' (参数'XXXXXXX'类型不符合... | Type mismatch in redeclaration of 'XXX' (重定义类型不符合) | Unable to creat output file 'XXXXXXXX.XXX' (不能建立输出档案'XXXXXXXX.XX...

Requested range not satisfiable:(请求范围不符合要求)

=== 415 Unsupported Media Type ===(不支持的媒体类型) | === 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable ===(请求范围不符合要求) | === 417 Expectation Failed ===(未满足期望值)


符合道德的ethical | 不符合道德的unethical | 合法的legal

Not up to par:不符合标准

Not up to stanrard. 不合格. | Not up to par. 不符合标准. | Needs improvement. 需要改进.