英语人>词典>汉英 : 不搀杂的 的英文翻译,例句
不搀杂的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不搀杂的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We hoped that love does not adulterate any condition, but a formidable fact certificate this kind of hope is naive but the helpless -- common interest, what has not discussed the support and the understanding?


You shall not crossbreed different kinds of animals."'you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed;"'neither shall there come upon on you a garment made of two kinds of material.


This album was briefly mentioned in my Opus 3 overview in issue 8, but I feel it requires a fuller examination. As I noted, the sounds are suggestive of the best of ECM's jazz recordings, with Ari Haraldsson's sax sounding like a less disconsolate version of Jan Gabarek's. The music is a pleasant mix of, evocative, new age with a hint of the avant-garde. The occasional appearance of the Didgeridoo brings an ethnic feel to the proceedings - Nordic trolls and dragons go down-under!

来自Cirrus的Lands End(Opus3 HDCD)这张是我经常听的一张CD,值得注意的是它让我有听ECM中那些好作品的感觉不过更加温暖一些不像Jan Gabarek那么寒冷,没有Keith那么深邃,没有Terje那么孤高一个孤独温暖的欧洲爵士搀杂着点NewAge和先锋派的影子特别有趣的是第五首,开头使用了didgeri-doo (那个澳洲的土族乐器,一根空心树干顶在地上吹),然后曲风转向探戈,好是温柔野性。

Regret and remorse of these two elements are mixed with the same number, for example?


The photoluminescence spectrum of the nanosaws showed stronger visible emission band as compared to undoped ZnO powder at room temperature.


The photoluminescence spectrum of the heterostructured nanorotors showed stronger visible band emission as compared to pure ZnO powder at room temperature.


The Greenhornes have made music that captures their love of authentic and unadulterated rock and roll.


They are the ones with 'feet of iron not mixed with clay', with the wisdom of God alone, not imitators of other men of God.


更多网络解释与不搀杂的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如果我们不注意到实质,而斤斤于"真假民主"之辨,那末可能陷于唯名主义(nominalism)之争. 唯名主义之争,往往是空洞的!无谓的!这像是"猜心事",不是论证法. 评者要决定我所说"狂澜退落"之论是否为真,在方法上不可过问我有否把"乐观"或"悲观"搀杂在文字里,


到一个适当的同来解释它. 它指的是不劳动就不能生活的穷人. 阿里斯托芬的喜剧>(Plutus)中把贫穷(XevIa)与富有对比从而为贫穷辩护,并表示与行乞有别的那些话,虽然搀杂了一些谬见,却是很精


unadorned 未装饰的 | unadulterated 无搀杂的 | unadvisable 不妥当的


unadulterated 无搀杂的 | unadvisable 不妥当的 | unadvised 欠思虑的


unallowedunwarrantable 不允许的 | unalloyed 非合金的 | unalloyed 未搀杂的


unalloyed 未搀杂的 | unalterable 坚定不移的 | unalterableunchangeable 不能改变的