英语人>词典>汉英 : 不可说出的 的英文翻译,例句
不可说出的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不可说出的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Industry is rife Wang Shutong is a belle CEO that cannot see more, and the friend that has seen Wang Shutong says, she herself looks more beautiful than the photograph, an elegant and chic bingle, foil even more her refined and dignified temperament.


Before the teaching activity, students' misconceptions of "air" concept mainly be, the student thinks the air isn't a kind of material, so the air isn't condensability, don't occupying space, and can't speaking out air current can be become common practice with form, its cause was that: the basic concept for air's quality was wrong and students always conducted incorrect judgment due to the ambiguity of literate meanings.


The Squire would disinherit him and he would be just a poor working man for the rest of his life.And far worse than that,he would lose any hope of marrying Nancy.No!


He later warns Jinfeng not to tell the truth. Seeing his ferociousness for the first time, Jinfeng is frightened by it.


But Robert Sweet, the presiding judge, disagreed, at least as far as the BRCA genes are concerned. After weighing up Myriad's arguments, he ruled:"It is concluded that DNA's existence in an 'isolated' form alters neither this fundamental quality of DNA as it exists in the body nor the information it encodes. Therefore, the patents at issues directed to 'isolated DNA' containing sequences found in nature are unsustainable as a matter of law and are deemed unpatentable subject matter."

但首席法官Robert Sweet的答案却是"否",至少是在考虑BRCA基因一案后给出了这个答案,仔细掂量了Myraid公司的陈词后,他裁定说"我们得出结论:DNA结构是'脱离个体'的存在物,它既不能在人体内改变其基本特征,也不能改变它所编码的信息,因此,这个正在审议中的专利所指的"脱离个体,独立的DNA",它包含序列信息,是在大自然中所发现的,把它当作一个法律问题来看是不成立的,应当作为一个不可申请专利的条目"。

But that libertarian thing was, when all is said and done, just an adjective; Safire was a true conservative, and a partisan one too, biffing in print, and not always fairly, political opponents from Bert Lance to Hillary Clinton.

当一切被说出和做出来时,那个自由意志主义的东西仅仅是一个形容词;萨菲尔是一个真正的保守派,也是一个不可改变的效忠于保守主义者,但对从Bert Lance到Hillary Clinton来说不总是公正地政治上的反对者。

The Trojans were struck with terror when they saw the snake, portent of aegis-bearing Jove, writhing in the midst of them, and Polydamas went up to Hector and said, Hector, at our councils of war you are ever given to rebuke me, even when I speak wisely, as though it were not well, forsooth, that one of the people should cross your will either in the field or at the council board; you would have them support you always: nevertheless I will say what I think will be best; let us not now go on to fight the Danaans at their ships, for I know what will happen if this soaring eagle which skirted the left wing of our with a monstrous blood-red snake in its talons was really sent as an omen to the Trojans on their essaying to cross the trench.


Music expresses that which can not be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.


recently,with the development of economic ,the people's life becomes better and better,life condition also is improving more and more.proper recreation is indispensable in the people's pasttime life.mentioned to the game,people may associate many fascinated online games,such as legend,mu,cs and so on.certainly,these games enrich people's life with more and more joys.using the wing game for reference ,i developed and designed the realization arithmetic of 24 points game.next i designed a human-computer alternant game system.

摘 要:近年来,随着经济的日益发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,生活质量也在渐渐的改善。适当的娱乐游戏对人们的业余生活是不可必缺的。说到娱乐游戏,人们可能会想到网络上许许多多让人迷恋的网络游戏,比如说,传奇,奇迹,cs等等。是的,的确这些游戏给人们的业余生活添加了很多乐趣。借鉴网上的边锋游戏,我用vc++开发设计了24点游戏的实现算法,并在windows图形环境下设计出一个人机交互的游戏系统。

When we begin communicating, there is a natural resistance, almost a repelling, because we feel if they were hurt by anything we said, we would be devastated; our emotions are blown all out of proportion.


更多网络解释与不可说出的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

account for:说

如果有人把"解说"(account for)理解为存在于观察者头脑中或表现于文字的关于某种法则的能力,这种能力足以概括或预测出像居住排列或内部组织这样一些不可认知的客位现象可能存在的状态,那么该法则是否存于参与者头脑中的问题实际上不再有什么意义.


位於西冷县芝囊卡乡的观察站主任安敦(Anton)向媒体说,子火山还处於三级戒备状态,喷出炽热火山物质及灰烟,高达400米,具威胁性. 游客或渔民不可进入周边3公里范围. 但他说,虽然子火山不断爆发、震动,但不足以引发海啸,


其他地方出的葡萄酒蒸馏出白兰地,在法律上说,不可称为干邑. 白兰地(BRANDY)是一种可饮用的酒,是由葡萄酒或发酵过的水果汁蒸馏出来的,要在木桶里经过陈年才好喝. 例如:干邑(COGNAC),雅文邑(ARMAGNAC),西班牙白兰地,美国白兰地

keep back:保留

K--保留(keep back)最好的人. 盖茨曾对微软的人力资源部说过:"只要他们真是我们们需要的人,要什么给什么. "相对于微软的"财大气粗",国内似乎没有多少企业能有底气说出如此"不惜代价"的话. 但是,面对人才的流失,特别是不可替代人才的出走,


他们把这些因素分为两大类:可控(controllable)与不可控. 结果他们找出导致抛锚点的不可控因素占总比例的 13%,那即是说企业可控制的因素占了 87%,可见企业往往是因为错估自身形势的不良决策或管理执行力度不足而堕进低增长区.


spanless 不可测知的 | sparkless 不冒火花的 | speechless 说不出话的


""王差遣人将示每(Shimei)召来,对他说:'你要在耶路撒冷建造房屋居住,不可出来往别处去. 你当确实地知道,你何日出来过汲沦溪(Kidron),何日必死!你的罪必归到自己的头上. '" -- 这是所罗门的聪明. 小人不守约,所以让示每签下"死亡之约",