英语人>词典>汉英 : 不健壮的 的英文翻译,例句
不健壮的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不健壮的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Additional, unsuited still have the adolescent with hale constitution into what fill, acute disease and the person that have infection, chronic illness breaks out period and mobile period patient, disease of gastralgia, diarrhoea, cholecystitis, bilestone sends an author, chronic hepatitis, transaminase is very tall person, oneself immunity ill globulin and antibody are very tall person.


Always makes me wonder why I can't be a freakishly athletic footballer.


The most efficient , securest , and most maintainable codes are those which do not exist .


My baby is so big, but fat, body weight reached 25 kg, I am just up to him when the points are generally water, nine did not feed him milk thick of things which are 10:00 after eating sweet potato polenta Add Shrimp Powder, liver powder, what, or add vegetables, foam, and then between infants, probably around 56 when the complementary eat, eat anything, vegetables Mo肉沫, ah fish, shrimp ah, what eat, huh, huh, what has to eat what ah rice, congee for what to do with kind of a custard or steamed, and thus we can regulate appetite, but remember the baby things eating meat immediately after the Do not let him sleep , one will let him play, or one will be running walker, digestion digestion to avoid eating "bad" after on the do not eat, and sometimes also added three complementary, morning and afternoon hours to find fruit, are generally 1 hours after a meal to make him have to add fruit, a variety of eat, huh, huh, including what kind of tomatoes cucumber, bite him immobile grinder can be used to give him a crumble or juice pressed out, I also each days in milk to give him increase in one or two probiotics, and I gave him all熬粥with thickness, and a variety of coarse grains of pulses are for Endure, my baby is now very robust, does not make the basic problems also bless your baby healthy and happy!


My family is full of stocky individuals, so I don't know why I'm afraid to tell my parents about a guy I am dating while away at university.


One enjoyment was certain -- that of suitableness as companions; a suitableness which comprehended health and temper to bear inconveniences -- cheerfulness to enhance every pleasure -- and affection and intelligence, which might supply it among themselves if there were disappointments abroad.


I had a small new plant once which promised to grow into a healthy tree. But some thoughtless, unobservant person passed by, trod on it, and it will never be a great tree.


As the coach rolls swiftly past the fields and orchards which skirt the road,groups of women and children,piling the fruit in sieves,or gathering the scattered ears of corn,pause for an instant from their labour,and shading the sunburnt face with a still browner hand,gaze upon the passengers with curious eyes,while some stout urchin,too small to work but too mischievous to be left at home,scrambles over the side of the basket in which he has been deposited for security,and kicks and screams with delight.


An unscientific poll of soup-kitchen clients in Glen Burnie suggests that the able-bodied jobless are getting by on a mixture of public assistance and private charity, but still have plenty of incentive to find work.


He was sitting very straight in his chair, his powerful chest swelling and quivering as though he were standing up to the assault of a wave.


更多网络解释与不健壮的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这种方法从某些方面看来,是在利用"相似"(Analogous)的原则,有时似乎非常高明. 这就是所谓的"象征性的释梦". 不过,用这种办法来解释看上去非常不合理、很荒谬的梦的时候,就显得很吃力了. 例如,>上约瑟夫对法老的梦所作出的解释:"先出现7只健壮的牛,

Australian Cattle Dog:澳洲牧牛犬

澳洲牧牛犬(AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG) 历史:1931年,澳大利亚的牧民致力于改良品种,发展出健壮的工作犬种. 根据熟悉澳洲犬种的历史学家的确认,当时的牧牛犬咬力如鳄,吠声如结核病患者,不是理想的工作犬种,于是牧民们利用各种不同的品种配种改良出现代澳洲牧牛犬,

decrepit hale:衰老的强壮的

decorousunseemly礼仪不适当的 | decrepit hale衰老的强壮的 | decrepitrobust衰老的健壮的

English Foxhound:英国猎狐犬

别名英国猎狐犬(English Foxhound) 其祖先是圣.休伯特猎犬. 最早是在1066年诺曼人入侵英国时带来的. 13世纪英国猎狐活动开始兴起 这种犬开始得到迅速发展. 传统上是身体结实健壮的品种 耐力是主要培育的要点. 猎狐犬成群生活 成员都成双成对 而不是以单只计算.




设想一个敏感的机能(functioning)系统,除了这个分组要去的那个进程,其他进程都不应当受到这种丢弃的影响. 如果延时处理队列增长的过分长,可以安全的丢弃其中的任何分组,因为它们都还没有被确认. 在 TCP 级别的拥塞可以灵活的处理归功于健壮的重新传输和重复检测策略.

Shirley MacLaine:莎莉麥克琳

著名的好莱坞演员杰克-尼科尔森、艾尔-帕西诺、莎莉-麦克琳(Shirley MacLaine)、乌玛-瑟曼(Uma Thurman),都是金牛座的. 金牛的演员也不全是体格健壮之辈,也有身材苗条的,如奥黛丽-赫本、弗雷德.阿斯泰尔(Fred Astaire)、米歇尔-菲弗(Michelle Pfeiffer)等.


②灌木(shrub)比较矮小,高在5米以下的树木,骨干不明显,分嫁接近茎的基部,如茶、月季、木槿等,有常绿灌木及落叶灌木之分. 1.一年生草本(annual)在一个生长季候内就可完成生活周期的,即当年着花、健壮后枯死的植物,如水稻、黄豆、番茄等.


Buff: (美国口语)健壮的 | Unbeatable:打不垮的;(价格等)已达极限的 | Uncanny:奇特的

wafflespeak unequivocally:胡扯说话不搪塞

vouchrefuse to guarantee担保拒绝担保 | wafflespeak unequivocally胡扯说话不搪塞 | wanhale病态的健壮的