英语人>词典>汉英 : 不一而足 的英文翻译,例句
不一而足 的英文翻译、例句


This is not the only one. · by no means an isolated case
更多网络例句与不一而足相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The scientists studied videos of seven different kinds of winged beasts , from bluebottle flies to a cockatoo .


Seething victims and pundits have variously denounced Mr Madoff as a "terrorist", a "financial serial killer" and, most cuttingly, a "turd".


A study by two I MF economists, Steven Dunaway and Xiangming Li, found that estimates for the undervaluation of the yuan ranged from zero to nearly 50%, depending on which method was used.


Similarly, atoms and inter-atomic forces, in terms of electrons, nuclei, the electrodynamic forces between them and QM; and so on.


It is either a philosophy, also can be literature, ethnology, religion, sociology, history, etc.


However,due to expansive area,execrable climate and complex hydrological and geochemical processes in the Southern Ocean,there are rather highly discrepancy and uncertainty in evaluating the...


Examples of world class makers in spain are felix manzanero, archangel fernandez, marcelino barbero, miguel rodriquez of cordoba, manuel reyes of cordoba, ignacio fleta, antonio marin montero, and many others.

西班牙吉他世界级水平的制造商有felix manzanero、archangel fernandez, marcelino barbero, miguel rodriquez of cordoba, manuel reyes of cordoba, ignacio fleta, antonio marin montero等等,不一而足

Production is 12 to 30 guitars a year.examples of world class makers in spain are felix manzanero, archangelfernandez, marcelino barbero, miguel rodriquez of cordoba, manuel reyesof cordoba, ignacio fleta, antonio marin montero, and many others.

西班牙吉它世界级水平的制造商有felixmanzanero、archangel fernandez, marcelino barbero, miguel rodriquez ofcordoba, manuel reyes of cordoba, ignacio fleta, antonio marinmontero等等,不一而足

It has a mouth, four legs, can move bipedally, has grasping hands, etc.; for all its gigantism and strange looks, it seems less fundamentally different from us, physically, than a fish.


Retained the view that the people belonging to various tribal different character traits, such as Mecklenburg reticent people, schwaben my live frugally, Rhineland Haofang people cheerful, and Saxony were diligent clever, different and foot - has always been different today, the residents of the district for folklore aspects of comparison when talking about the traditional experience.


更多网络解释与不一而足相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

astronomic clock:天文钟

所谓天文钟(Astronomic Clock)指的是一种特别设计,能同时显示天文信息的时钟,通常可以显示太阳、月亮、星座在该时刻的相对位置,有的更可显示主要行星的位置,月亮的盈亏,日食,每晚某时的星空等不一而足.


游戏中如何善用人力物力,是仁者见仁,智者见智,不一而足,不过抓紧时间发展自己,搞舒淇照图片0 近战防护力:8 移动速度:慢 攻击力等各项主要指标比升级前都有提高,其中攻击力提高有10点 最高级炮台 (Balllista Tower) 弹道学(Ballistics),市政将发展成能够

Bank check:本票

各地物价大体相当,在美国消费,收受现金、个人支票、旅行支票、信用卡、现金卡(Check Card)或是现金票(Money Order)、银行本票(Bank Check)、或汽车加油专用之加油卡(Gas Card)不一而足.

be reluctant to agree:不愿同意

as I mentioned 如我之前所言 | be reluctant to agree 不愿同意 | all facets of..., from...to...方方面面,从...到...,不一而足


反观咨询场景,不但主题新颖,而且情节跌宕,从保险索赔(insurance claim),到转学申请(school transfer),再到场馆订票(booking),不一而足. 应该说,ESOL导演的雅思场景是繁多的,但总有桎梏. 无论是崭新的场景,还是老掉牙的场景,


加有机鸡蛋,全麦有机麦片,后来,又有了有机豆浆等等,不一而足. 麦片粥+全麦吐司+开心果+水果,就是一餐典型的健康新早餐. 可以看出,小麦、荞麦、燕麦或玉米是新健康早餐的主角,当然还有纽约人最爱的谷类食品(cereal)也是不可或缺的.

all facets of..., from...to:方方面面,从...到...,不一而足

as I mentioned 如我之前所言 | be reluctant to agree 不愿同意 | all facets of..., from...to...方方面面,从...到...,不一而足


可资为例的是,在涉及刺破公司面纱的案件中,法庭大量使用比喻和形象化的语词,用以表达公司人格实质上的不独立,如"另一自我"(alter ego)、"手段"(instrumentality)、"赝品"(sham)、"诡计"(subterfuge)、"工具"(tool)等等,不一而足.

Language Points:(语言点)

教学内容,主要是讲解语法;讲解 "语言点"( language points),然后是"词汇学习"( word study );句型训练;句型转换. "专业"些的,还有"用英语解释课文"( paraphrase ),等等,不一而足. 事后回想,这些东东,对于熟悉课文,


微积分发明以降,经济学从斯密古奥的思辨飞跃到了明晰的计算,边际(marginal),均衡(balance),最大化(maximize),最小化(minimize)等等不一而足. 在经济学的语境下,人的行为是可以计算的,一言以蔽之:在局限条件下追求个人利益的最大化!