英语人>词典>汉英 : 下级军官 的英文翻译,例句
下级军官 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与下级军官相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was an old non-commissioned officer of the old guard, a member of the Legion of honor at Austerlitz, as much of a Bonapartist as the eagle


An ensign is a junior officer in the United States Navy.


Not, having been grenade-trained, junior leaders did not recognize that the tactica1 situation in the night fight was made to order for the illuminating rifle grenade, the hand grenade, and close-range fragmentation bombing of the revealed targets.


You receive 1,500 francs per annum for your services here--more than many a brave subaltern, who continually risks his life for his country, obtains


A junior officer who had just returned from the front confirmed the rumor that the border town had been captured by the enemy and that many garrison troops were taken prisoner.


Quarters of midshipmen and junior officers on a British warship.


However, junior officer attrition during the China fighting, abbreviated academy graduating classes each of more than 500 cadets, and officer training schools producing still more subalterns diluted officer quality.


As a high-ranking officers of the Soviet Union, may not like those junior officers and ordinary soldiers in the streets as highway robbery, but they also have their own channels for getting rich, they can use various means to the confiscation of German works of art and life of luxury , And then use the military after the train back to domestic accounts for itself, as this is very common, including Marshal Zhukov, many of the distinguished officers of the Soviet Union on this issue more or less tarnished the military's honor.


更多网络解释与下级军官相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


pleat /褶/褶状物/打褶/ | pleb /平民/庶民/ | plebe /军官学校的最下级生/

pleb:平民; 老百姓 (名)

pleated 打褶裥的, 起褶的 (形) | pleb 平民; 老百姓 (名) | plebe 军官学校的最下级生 (名)


pleb /平民/庶民/ | plebe /军官学校的最下级生/ | plebeian /平民/庶民/大众/平民的/一般的/普通的/卑俗的/

plebe:军官学校的最下级生 (名)

pleb 平民; 老百姓 (名) | plebe 军官学校的最下级生 (名) | plebeian 平民的, 普通的, 一般的 (形)