英语人>词典>汉英 : 下延的 的英文翻译,例句
下延的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
decurrent  ·  decursive

更多网络例句与下延的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, taking the downward continuation of potential field as an inverse problem of upward continuation, we obtain a convolution type linear integral equation for downward continuation. Making use of the orthogonal symmetry characteristic of Fourier transform matrix, and combining the principles of singular value decomposition of matrix and generalized inverse, we proposed a stable generalized inverse method for downward continuation of potential field, called wavenumber domain generalized inverse algorithm, which doesn't need the computation for inverse matrix. It resolves the instability of potential field downward continuation of large depth.


A container closure formed from a synthetic resin as a single unit has a circular top panel wall and a cylindrical skirt wall extending downwardly from the peripheral edge of the top panel wall.


Needles with basal sheath persistent and basal scalelike leaves decurrent, cross section with 2 vascular bundles; umbo dorsal.


Leaves undeveloped, tuberculate, ca. 1 mm, base convex, decurrent, adnate to branch, distally touching base of next higher leaf, apex obtuse; leaves of branchlets sheathing and amplexicaul at base.


Leaves not decurrent at base; petioles not winged.


Filaments inserted at lower part of corolla tube, decurrent part oblong, not pubescent.


Roots yellowish to grayish white; leaf base usually not decurrent to petiole

根淡黄到带灰色白色;叶基部通常不下延的至叶柄 52

Leaves decurrent at base; petioles winged.

下延的在基部;叶柄具翅 84

Basal leaves basally decurrent along petiole, forming wings or slightly decurrent.


Filaments connate; anthers very large, decurrent to base of column, apex acuminate; pollinia 2 per pollinarium, slender, falcate, pendulous.

花丝合生花药柱状,先端渐尖的非常大,下延的至基部;花粉块2 每pollinarium,纤巧,镰刀形,下垂。

更多网络解释与下延的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


decurrence [植]下延, 向下生长 | claro 色淡而味薄的 | ingot car 锭车


(亞馬遜河谷印第安人的)箭毒植物 curare | (煙草的)中葉 cutters | (沿莖)下延的 decurrent


楔形的cuneate | 下延的decrescent | 无耳的exauriculate

decurrence:[植]下延, 向下生长

dollyman 使用独轮车的搬运工 | decurrence [植]下延, 向下生长 | claro 色淡而味薄的


倾伏茎;斜上茎 decumbent stem | 叶基向下延长 decurrency | (沿茎)下延的 decurrent


decuple 十倍 | decurrent 下延的 | decurved 向下弯的


decurrent 下延的 | decurrent 向下的 | decyanation 脱氰

decurrent:向下的 下延的

decurler 卷曲消除器 卷曲消除器 | decurrent 向下的 下延的 | decursivelypinnate 下延羽状的

decurrent leaf:下延叶

decortication 去皮 | decurrent leaf 下延叶 | decussate 交互对生的

Fixed cash-value that grows tax-deferred:固定现金价值带有租税递延的利益

Fixed death benefit死亡给付固... | Fixed cash-value that grows tax-deferred固定现金价值带有租税递延的利益 | Much less death protection than term for the same price与定期保险相比较,在相同的价钱下,提供较少...