英语人>词典>汉英 : 上锁人 的英文翻译,例句
上锁人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与上锁人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Come on. The locker room's right over here.


So I slid out and slipped off up the road, and there warn't anybody at the church, except maybe a hog or two, for there warn't any lock on the door, and hogs likes a puncheon floor in summer-time because it's cool.


The Remington ACR is unlocked at level 48 in multiplayer.


DZUS FASTENER, A type of cowling or panel fastener, where a slotted stud is rotated over a spring steel wire to lock in a cam-like groove.


Because, you know, when you get scared that way, and it keeps running on, and getting worse and worse all the time, and your wits gets to addling, and you get to doing all sorts o' wild things, and by and by you think to yourself, spos'n I was a boy, and was away up there, and the door ain't locked, and you -- She stopped, looking kind of wondering, and then she turned her head around slow, and when her eye lit on me -- I got up and took a walk.


There was one town where they even made me a guest of honor of the town council and paid my bill at the inn; in another, perhaps by way of compensation, they threw me in jail by order of the mayor (who was a drunken, tongue-tied albino), and kept me there for a day and a night, locked in a stinking cellar and nourished on garlic soup and a couple of mouthfuls of wine dregs.


The working radius must also be secured to avoid collision with other equipment (remember LOTO on equipment operating in the same area).- Using a forklift to lift people in a cage is only permitted if the forklift has puncture safe wheels and the cage can be locked onto the forks.


"If a lock or seal is placed on any premises or container under subsection (1), the period for which the lock or seal is placed shall not exceed 7 days without the consent in writing of the owner of the premisesor container, or his authorized agent."


"If an authorized officer has placed a lock or seal on any premises or container under subsection (1), any person who breaks or interferes with such lock or seal commits an offence unless he does so--"


Locker ≈ cabinet , footlocker , locker , storage locker

n。 上锁的人,有锁的橱柜,锁扣装置,有锁的存物柜

更多网络解释与上锁人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"我的事工是从班伯利(Banbury)展开的,我在当地的房子,楼上窗户正俯瞰着一有钱人的广大产业. 真正享有这产业的其实是我. 虽然我末拥有方寸土地,但实际上整片土地都是我的. 那位富有的业主每年来一次,住上十天,然后就用锁锁上.


宇宙大帝死后,两派脆弱的联盟再次出现裂痕:作为霸天虎的新领袖:雷震(Bludgeon),他阴谋将汽车人困在能源近乎枯竭的塞伯坦上自生自灭. 他的阴谋失败了,这最终导致两派再次决裂-当然,此时的汽车人首领:钢锁(Grimlock)从来就没有期待过要和霸天虎和平共处.


locker 上锁的人 | clocker 计时员 | mocker 嘲弄者,愚弄者


locker 上锁的人 | locket 小盒 | lockfast 保险箱

voting share:有表决权股份

将根据牌照提供而须收取收看费的锁码电视节目或锁码电视节目服务以经解码后的形式收看的解码器; (由2004年第8号第2条增补)"有表决权股份"(voting share) 就任何法团而言,在某类股份使其注册拥有人有权在该法团的股东会议上投票的情况下,

Yale lock:耶鲁锁

早在西元前3000年的仰韶文化遗址中,考古人员就发现了留存在木结构建筑上的木锁,西元25年才出现了铁制的三簧锁,这一用就是一千多年,一直到1848年,美国人耶尔才发明了弹子锁,当时称耶尔锁或耶鲁锁,(YALE LOCK)它主要是由多个弹子结构组成,

Crassula lycopodioides:{青锁龙}

22.青锁龙(Crassula lycopodioides) 景天科青锁龙属植物. 产于纳米比亚. 肉质亚灌木,高30厘米,茎细易分枝,茎和分枝通常垂直向上. 叶鳞片般三角形,在茎和分枝上排列成4棱,非常紧密,以致使人误认为只有绿色4棱的茎枝而无叶,当光线不足时叶片散乱.

You conned me into this:你把我卷进来了

Come on. Come on. The locker room's right over here.|来吧.来吧. 上锁的人的房间就在这儿. | You conned me into this.|你把我卷进来了. | lt'll be fun. Trust me.|会很有意思的.相信我.

was chained and padlocked around his neck and feet:被人用铁链缠颈和脚,并扣上锁

盛大庆祝 was celebrated with great pomp and ceremony | 被人用铁链缠颈和脚,并扣上锁 was chained and padlocked around his neck and feet | 于星期四证实患上非典型肺炎 was confirmed on

with the hotel's headliners:在玩三人游戏

... didn't walk in on an employee having a m閚age ?trois...|热心的为我们铺床 却发现酒... | ... with the hotel's headliners.|在玩三人游戏 | Then I went to chain-lock the door to Vince's room.|然后我锁上...