英语人>词典>汉英 : 上下摆动 的英文翻译,例句
上下摆动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与上下摆动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At last he dropped into a kind of a dose, a stupid sort of sleep, and began to nod over the fire, so I ran and got a blanket and wrapped him in it, and got him to lie down upon the press bedstead in the room under this.


The bird bobbed its head up and down.


He bobbed up and down like a little red cherry, singing


To sway,move up and down,or droop,as flowers in the wind.


The dorsoventral movement of the tail produces the thrust, and bending of the anterior body in the horizontal plane enables turning maneuvers.


Culms erect, 10–40 cm tall, 1–1.5 mm in diam., scabrid below panicle, 2–3-noded.


As you release the striker so it retracts back to the reel, your right hand shakes up and down as if in pain from the apparent shock.


The front part is used for adjusting the left and right sides of the drawer door panels, the back part is used for adjusting the up and down of the door panels and the hole in the middle is used for removing the jointers.


Firstly, let us install the jointers in the drawer frame. There are three adjusting parts on the sides. The front part is used for adjusting the left and right sides of the drawer door panels, the back part is used for adjusting the up and down of the door panels and the hole in the middle is used for removing the jointers.


Firstly, let us install the jointers in the drawer frame. There are three adjusting parts on the sides. The front part is used for adjusting the left and right sides of the drawer door panels, the back part is used for adjusting the up and down of the door panels and the hole in the middle is used forremoving the jointers.


更多网络解释与上下摆动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

commie communist:的戏称 共产党

bob for apple 苹果跳跳游戏(万圣节玩) bob 使上下(来回)快速摆动 | commie communist的戏称 共产党 | midget 侏儒,小矮人

Go! Move it:向前移动 屈曲手臂,掌心向前方,向前推

停火 掌心向正前方上下摆动 CEASE FIRE | 向前移动 屈曲手臂,掌心向前方,向前推 GO, MOVE IT | 敌人 握实拳头,姆指向下 BAD GUY

untidy appearance:懒散的外表

尾巴不停上下摆动tail constantly moving up and down | 懒散的外表untidy appearance | 呕吐vomiting


balo 舞会 | balai 扫除,扫掉,打扫干净 | balanci 上下簸动,上下摆动


鶺鴒科(Motacillidae)鶺鴒属(Motacilla)的710种鸟与亚洲的山鶺鴒(Dendronanthus indicus)之统称. 前者生活在海滩、草地和溪边. 羽色图案明显. 常在地上营巢、树上栖息. 尾长而上下摆动,故英文名原意为「摇尾鸟」. 林栖的鶺鴒全身左右摇摆.


Wags 摆动(上下) | Barks 狗叫 | Drawer 抽屉

He wagged his finger at me:他向我伸手指指斥

16. wag vt. 摇摆;上下或左右摆动 move to and fro; make something move from side to side... | He wagged his finger at me. 他向我伸手指指斥. | The dog wagged his tail when he saw his master. 这条狗见到主...


Pyjamas 睡衣裤 | Wags 摆动(上下) | Barks 狗叫