英语人>词典>汉英 : 三角形 的英文翻译,例句
三角形 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
triangle  ·  trigon  ·  trilateral  ·  triangles

更多网络例句与三角形相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Triangles are isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle, acute triangle, obtuse triangle, and triangle.


Antiplane responses of a scalene triangular hill or structure, an isosceles triangular hill or structure, an isosceles triangular hill with a subsurface cavity to incident SH waves are studied in this paper based on methods of wave function expanding, complex function, moving coordinates and by employing idea of assistant function.


During building the 3D mode, I use the concepts of point, triangle, plane and block, that is from point to triangle to stratum surface or fault to closed block, and finally all the closed block will form a 3D model. Especially the auto-adaption triangle grid method for interface fitting and the 3D visualization technique for building 3D model are the feature of our method.


The last-mentioned members (28) are located in a second, imaginary triangle having an equilateral shape, which is smaller than the first-mentioned triangle and rotated in relation to the same.


In addition, the computational evaluations indicate that the heat transfer enhancement of delta winglet for aligned tube bank heat exchanger is more significant than that for staggered tube bank heat exchanger, the heat transfer enhancement of delta winglet with the attack angle of 45° is more obvious than that of 30°; the delta winglet with the attack angle of 45° leads to an increase in pressure drop, while the delta winglet with the attack angle of 30° results in a slight decrease.


Delta Connection Delta connection refers to a three phase connection in which the start of each phase is connected to the end of the next phase, forming the triangle-shaped Greek letter Delta.


Delta connection refers to a three phase connection in which the start of each phase is connected to the end of the next phase, forming the triangle-shaped Greek letter Delta.


A triangle strip is extruded backwards and forwards in time such that the middle triangle is always at the current time.


For a given triangle data, to determine that this triangle is more of an isosceles triangle, right triangle, equilateral triangle, isosceles right-angled triangle, the triangle which atypical.


The experimental results prove that the arbitrary triangles can be efficiently detected. Right-angled triangle, isosceles triangle and equilateral triangle also can be detected if the conditions are changed.


更多网络解释与三角形相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acute triangle:锐角三角形

三角形 triangle | 锐角三角形 acute triangle | 直角三角形 right triangle

triangle closing error:三角形闭合差

triangle 三角形 ,三角板 | triangle closing error 三角形闭合差 | triangle law 三角形定律

equilateral triangle:等边三角形

[师生共析]三角形的三边,有的各不相等,有的有两边相等,有的三条边都相等.三边都不相等的三角形叫做不等边三角形(scalence triangle);有两条边相等的三角形叫做等腰三角形(isosceles triangle),三条边都相等的三角形叫做等边三角形(equilateral triangle)也叫正三角形.(如

isosceles triangle:等腰三角形

有两条边相等的三角形叫等腰三角形.(isosceles triangle) 等腰三角形的有关概念 底角 底角 顶角 A B C 腰 底边 顶角 底角 ∠A AB,AC BC ∠B ,∠C 等腰三角形中,相等的两边都叫做腰,另一边叫做底边,两腰的夹角叫做顶角,腰和底边的夹角叫做底角.

isosceles triangle:等腰三角形=>二等辺三角形

isosceles spherical triangle 等腰球面三角形 | isosceles triangle 等腰三角形=>二等辺三角形 | isosceles triangular solution 等腰三角形

pedal triangle:垂足三角形

当点M在△ABC的外接圆上时, 垂足三角形退化成Simson线[简介]东方热线.东方论坛--垂足三角形(pedal triangle)垂足三角形(pedal triangle) 0点 从点M向△ABC的各边作垂线, 垂足P、Q、R为顶点的△PQR 称为点M关于△ABC的垂足三角形.

similar triangles:相似三角形

全等三角形的定义能够完全重合的两个三角形称为全等三角形[编辑本段]相似三角形的认识对应角相等,对应边成比例的两个三角形叫做相似三角形(similar triangles)互为相似形的三角形鸣做相似三角形[编辑本段]相似三角形的判定方法根据相似图形的特征来判断(对应边成比例,

spherical triangle:球面三角形

在第一卷中,第一次给出了球面三角形(spherical triangle)的定义. 这卷书,对球面三角形证明了许多欧几里得在平面三角形中证明过的命题. 例如,通常的全等定理、关於等腰三角形的定理等等. 除此之外,还证明了:两个球面三角形,如果其对应角分别相等,

triangle axiom:三角形公理

三角形面积 triangle area | 三角形公理 triangle axiom | 三角形解法;三角形 triangle computations

triangle computations:三角形解法;三角形

三角形公理 triangle axiom | 三角形解法;三角形 triangle computations | 三角形不等式 triangle inequality