英语人>词典>汉英 : 三人一组 的英文翻译,例句
三人一组 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
threesome  ·  triangle  ·  trinity  ·  triplex  ·  trinities  ·  threesomes  ·  triangles

更多网络例句与三人一组相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The 13 three-man ground teams were each equipped with one of two primary cameras —"either a Sony F900 HD camera or an Arri SR3 Super 16 high-speed camera," says Ward.

13队每三人一组的地面队伍均装备两款主要摄像机组中的一个------"或者是一台Sony F900 HD 摄像机,或者是Arri SR3 超级16高速摄像机"沃德说。

In 1978, in a momentous departure, Flanagan formed his own trio and has since performed almost exclusively in that format.

在 1978 年,在重大的离开,弗拉纳根形成了他自己的三人一组而且自从已经几乎独有地以那的格式运行后。

I and my classmates, three of us, do our microeconomics assignment.


During that time his recently reissued trio album,"Montreux 77," was recorded.

在那期间,他的被最近在发行的三人一组相簿," Montreux 77",被记录了。

During that time his recently reissued trio album,"Montreux 77," was recorded.

在那期间,他的被最近在发行的三人一组相簿,& Montreux 77&,被记录了。

MILANELLO - The players ran 10, 20 and 30 metre sprints in groups of three.


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One-night stands, threesomes, fourgies.


So the pitchers and the coaches were divided into three-man teams to reflect the national teams of the Classic.


更多网络解释与三人一组相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

shop assistant:售货员

"时,可安排学生完成这一任务:把全班学生为两大部分--购物者(customer)与售货员(shop assistant). 24个售货员以三人一组的形式分别经营八家商店(如服饰、食品、文具、体育用品等),剩下的一半学生以两人一组的形式结伴用规定的金额购买商品.


threepenny /三便士的/无价值的/便宜的/ | threescore /六十的/ | threesome /三人一组/三人的竞赛/一人对两人的比赛/

threescore:六十的 (形)

threefold 三倍地, 三重地 (副) | threescore 六十的 (形) | threesome 三人一组的 (形)


Three quarter swing 用四分之三的力量挥杆 | Threesome 一人或二人为一组参加比赛 | Through the cup 使球碰到洞口边缘入洞的方法


threesome /三人一组/三人的竞赛/一人对两人的比赛/ | thremmatology /动植物培育学/饲养学/ | threnetical /悲哀的/哀悼的/


tripletail /三尾鱼/ | triplets /一窝三子/ | triplex /三重的/三人一组/三个一幅/三拍子/


tworotor /双缸转子内燃机/ | twosome /两人一组/两个一组/两人玩的游戏/ | twothirds /三分之二/

One-night stands, threesomes, fourgies:一夜不停,三人一组,四种方式

I'm game.|我喜欢游戏 | One-night stands, threesomes, fourgies.|一夜不停,三人一组,四种方式 | Hey, it's all good.|嗨,都很好啊

triple rear vault:三背腾越

三重鱼跃 trick dive | 三人一组 triple | 三背腾越 triple rear vault

Best ball:好球,以最少的杆数进洞,此项比赛以一人、二人、三人为一组进行

Bent grass 常绿草 | Best ball 好球,以最少的杆数进洞,此项比赛以一人、二人、三人为一组进行 | Blind Hole 遮掩洞