英语人>词典>汉英 : 万事通 的英文翻译,例句
万事通 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

jack-of-all-trades · one who knows all the answers
更多网络例句与万事通相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Know It All: This person thinks he is all that and a bag of chips!


Each character from Hat, the mister-know-it-all to Bhaku, the overzealous but unprofessional mechanic, Popo the carpenter, Bogart the bigamist to Man-man and his perfect accent has a distinct role which nevertheless corroborates the other and spices up the entire plot with humour.


His co worker Jim lusts after engaged receptionist Pam when he\'s not sabotaging his cube mate, the know it all Dwight.


If you come across as a know-it-all even if you really do know it all!


Jinan classifies mother the net customer service personnel after receiving your this question, you proposed after the question has consulted the Jinan know-it-alls, specially gives the reply: industry the peak company's special-purpose material has 16 items of revolutionary material: The German fragrant river character wall paint, the German fragrant river character wood lacquer, original installation import the European yellow deals, original installation to import the Australian yellow deals, industry the peak special-purpose ecology crepe rubber, industry the peak special-purpose electric wire, the WAGO coupling, industry the peak special-purpose pot galvanize threading tube, industry the peak special-purpose valuable, industry the peak special-purpose wall valuable, industry the peak special-purpose wall valuable, industry the peak special-purpose hard and soft underwater paint, industry the peak special-purpose allocated proportion mortar, industry the peak special-purpose light steel keel, the water resistant plaster tablet, the oak to model the board.


The friend wants the model the words to be possible to consider the Yantai three stations, Zhenhua, some markets, the building sell toy's place to buy, if buys the material object China area not to do the retail sales as far as I know, but provides the place to observe for you, but some harbors (does the Yantai port does not know have), the friend introduced that the Qingdao port 3 wharves may see the destroyer or the escort ship, but also has the cruise ship.


You must walk high speed from the yellow island with three to Lianyungang.


He knows a lot of things so we call him "information bureau".


Bear knows a lot of things so we call him "information bureau".


A person who is a Jack of all trades, has many skills.


更多网络解释与万事通相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

information bureau:万事通

inferiority complex 自卑感 | information bureau 万事通 | innocent kid 清白无辜的人

A Jack of all trades:多面手;万事通

a doormat 受气包,出气筒 | a Jack-of-all-trades 多面手;万事通 | a plain Jean 平凡的人

A Jack of all trades:万事通

7.a fish out of water 不得其所的人/一条离开水的鱼 | 8.a Jack of all trades 万事通, | 9.the lion's share 最大的份额


He only cares about basketball, TV, girls, and all that jazz. 他只关心篮球、电... | 121. know-it-all - 万事通 | Grace is always correcting other people. She thinks she's a know-it-all. 格雷斯总是在纠正别...

a know-it-all:万事通

a klutz--笨蛋 | a know-it-all --万事通 | know something backwards and forward--知道某事的来龙去脉/知道得一清二楚

Mr. Know-It-All:万事通先生. (有点讽刺意味的. )

9 Don"t shoot, I surrender! 别开枪,我投降. | 10 Mr. Know-It-All. 万事通先生. (有点讽刺意味的. ) | 11 Hand over the rebel leader, and you survive. 交出叛乱头子,你们就可以活命.

Mr. Know-It-All:万事通先生

26、tandem 双人自行车 | 27、Mr. Know-it-all 万事通先生 | 28、Fine with me. 我同意


pansophic 有广泛知识的 | pansophism 万事通 | sophist 诡辩学者,诡辨家,学者

Stop being a smartass:不要再当'万事通

Stop drinking. 不要再喝酒. | Stop being a smartass. 不要再当'万事通'. | Stop flirting with somebody has no interest in me. 不要再跟对我没兴趣的人花言巧语.

Know what's what:万事通

Know how to judge and use people. 知人善任. | Know what's what. 万事通. | lack judgement 不识时务