英语人>词典>汉英 : 万事通的人 的英文翻译,例句
万事通的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与万事通的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am not a man of hidden talents,but I may be considered as a Jack of all trades.


Person who pretends to be wise; know-all


Person who acts as if he has great ability and knowledge; know-all


The man who distributed the goodies, Jean-Marie Weber, is the fourth stooge in the line-up in front of us and Jean-Marie knows everything.


Everybody knows the brash and obnoxious "hot-shot" type at work that needs to validate his worth publicly.


The express appearance caters to the net to buy the rapid development now the situation, more and more chefoo area person joined to the express this ranks, express must also probably be quicker than the beforehand registered letter mail speed, moreover in ordinary circumstances compared to registered letter also expensive how many, therefore we had the reason to choose Yantai completely express.


更多网络解释与万事通的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

every man jack:每人;人人

every man Jack 每人;人人 | Jack of all trades and master of none 万事皆通而一无所长的人;"三脚猫" | Jack-of-all trades "万事通"

information bureau:万事通

inferiority complex 自卑感 | information bureau 万事通 | innocent kid 清白无辜的人

innocent kid:清白无辜的人

information bureau 万事通 | innocent kid 清白无辜的人 | inside dope 内幕消息

A Jack of all trades:多面手;万事通

a doormat 受气包,出气筒 | a Jack-of-all-trades 多面手;万事通 | a plain Jean 平凡的人

A Jack of all trades:万事通

7.a fish out of water 不得其所的人/一条离开水的鱼 | 8.a Jack of all trades 万事通, | 9.the lion's share 最大的份额

Stop being a smartass:不要再当'万事通

Stop drinking. 不要再喝酒. | Stop being a smartass. 不要再当'万事通'. | Stop flirting with somebody has no interest in me. 不要再跟对我没兴趣的人花言巧语.

Dwarves: Jiminy crickets:小矮人:我的妈呀

Doc: Look! Our house! The light's lit! 万事通:看,我们的家,灯亮着! | Dwarves: Jiminy crickets! 小矮人:我的妈呀! | Happy: Maybe a ghost! 开心果:也许是鬼!