英语人>词典>汉英 : 七巨头 的英文翻译,例句
七巨头 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与七巨头相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1860, Daniel Strong of Dutch Flat pointed out an easier passage through the Sierra Nevada Mountains.


First, in the seventies those huge companies started tottering, while the U.S. economy fell apart.


One is SAP, a German software giant, which on February 7th bid auf Wiedersehen to its boss, Léo Apotheker, and replaced him with two "co-CEOs": Bill McDermott, the company's head of sales, and Jim Hagemann Snabe, its head of product development.

其中一个是SAP,德国的软件巨头,在二月七号的时候与其原老板Léo Apotheker挥手告别,并任命两名&联合首席执行官& Bill McDermott以及Jim Hagemann Snabe接替他的职务,他们分别是该公司的销售总监以及产品发展部门的总监。

If you meet one of 7 tycoons of Baidu, may be solved to seal.


Featuring a line-up of teeth-gnashing programmes such as Swamp Cats, Killer Ants, Fur Seals: The Dark Side and Africa's Super Seven, PREDATORS UNCOVERED offers a close-up, fast paced look at the brutal raw nature of the animal kingdom.


In 1860, Daniel Strong of Dutch Flat pointed out an easier passage through the Sierra Nevada Mountains.


更多网络解释与七巨头相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Portobello Road:波多贝罗路

那里精品店林立,而位于 波多贝罗路 (Portobello Road)上的跳蚤市场也使它名声大噪. 位于 多克兰 (Docklands) 中心地区的 加拿大广场 (Canada Square) 是英国许多商业巨头的总公司所在地,也是一个繁华的购物中心,一周七天全都开放.

Economic Triumvirate:第四、五、六名:美国三大经济巨头

3: Nicolas Sarkozy 第三名:法国总统:N.萨科奇 | 4-5-6: Economic Triumvirate 第四、五、六名:美国三大经济巨头 | 7: Gordon Brown 第七名:英国首相:G.布朗