英语人>词典>汉英 : 一股气 的英文翻译,例句
一股气 的英文翻译、例句


a current of air
更多网络例句与一股气相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An air pocket stock isn't necessarily in dire straits.


For, with his idiosyncratic line readings and perpetual air of bemusement, as if he's in a joke that nobody else could possibly understand, Nighy brings a freshness and unspeakably cool edge to anything he deigns to be in.


Feeling obstructed in epigastrium...


Rising all along the 226 level, the summit is to meet people's an awe-inspiring power and prestige of iron lions, forepaw its grip a symbol of the world's iron ball, two eyes,"lion", as眈眈stare at the south of France, in the dignity of a chill in the air revealing.


The hospitals stank of gangrene, the odor assaulting her nostrils long before the doors were reached, a sickish sweet smell that clung to her hands and hair and haunted her in her dreams.


Meaning: The animal was terrified by the odour of the cheese so much that he was no longer a somnambulist but a steed moving violently at a speed of three miles an hour.


Growl angry, then shriek cursing (want to have wadding or something in his no don't she cried), then all of a soft sudden wee little wee little pipy wind.


Iron point rankling in his flesh. His neck swelled with rage, bloody


He looked again, straining his keen blue eyes, that had a touch of the Viking in them, through the shadowy pine trees as through a doorway at the green-grassed garden-path rising from the shadow of alders by the log bridge up to the sunlit flowers.


Rising all along the 226 level, the summit is to meet people's an awe-inspiring power and prestige of iron lions, forepaw its grip a symbol of the world's iron ball, two eyes,"lion", as眈眈stare at the south of France, in the dignity of a chill in the air revealing.


更多网络解释与一股气相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a grain of sand:(一颗砂子)

01. a breath of fresh air (一股清新之气, 令人耳目一新的改变) | 02. a grain of sand (一颗砂子) | 03. a plot of land (一块地)


颧骨突出,鹰钩鼻梁连着平平的鼻头,下面是厚厚的非洲嘴唇,这一切都显现出两个血统的混合. 她镇定自若,行走之间带着一股尊贵,这种尊贵之气甚至超越了黑妈妈(Mammy),因为黑妈妈的尊贵是后天修得的,而迪尔丝的尊贵是与生俱来的.



scant of breath:呼吸困难

put sb. out of breath 使某人喘不过气来, 使(某人)上气不接下气 | scant of breath 呼吸困难 | second breath [体]二度呼吸 一股新的精力

Suez Canal:苏彝士运河

女神像的创作者是设计苏彝士运河(Suez Canal)的法国设计师Frederic Augusta Bartholdi. 内部错综复杂的钢骨则是Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel,也就是巴黎艾菲尔铁塔设计者的杰作. 登高到神像皇冠目睹对岸的曼哈顿是一项耐心排队和一股作气爬到高点的挑战.

short of breath:呼吸困难, 呼吸短促, 喘不过气来

second breath [体]二度呼吸 一股新的精力 | short of breath 呼吸困难, 呼吸短促, 喘不过气来 | slip one's breath [口]断气, 死