英语人>词典>汉英 : 一种小鸟 的英文翻译,例句
一种小鸟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
didapper  ·  dotterel  ·  dottrel

更多网络例句与一种小鸟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Eachspring since the 1970s, evolutionary ecologist Jacques Blondel of the Center ofFunctional and Evolutionary Ecology in Montpellier, France, has studied smallbirds called blue tits in the woods near his institute and in Corsica, anisland 125 kilometers away.

自从80年代,法国蒙彼利埃市功能和进化生态研究中心的进化生态学家Jacques Blondel 就开始研究生活在橡树林中的一种叫做蓝山雀的小鸟。

The canary is a small yellow songbird.


Our feline friends are only interested in one thing: meat (except for saving up the energy to catch it by napping, or a round of restorative petting) This is not just because inside every domestic tabby lurks a killer just waiting to catch a bird or torture a mouse, it is also because cats lack the ability to taste sweetness, unlike every other mammal examined to date.


North Dakota gets its nickname, The Flickertail State not from some bird, but from a little squirrel.


She went upstairs to her bedroom. There she heard the loudspeaker begin to bellow, in an idiotically velveteen-genteel sort of voice, something about a series of street-cries, the very cream of genteel affectation imitating old criers. She pulled on her old violet coloured mackintosh, and slipped out of the house at the side door. The drizzle of rain was like a veil over the world, mysterious, hushed, not cold. She got very warm as she hurried across the park.


Photographers to a birdie and an eagle in the air fight scene, which is known as bird kingbird riding on the back of his eagle attack.


A small bird, such as a titmouse.


1 Wish I a bird one day and a happy and free life in the woods.


She went upstairs to her bedroom. There she heard the loudspeaker begin to bellow, in an idiotically velveteen-genteel sort of voice, something about a series of street-cries, the very cream of genteel affectation imitating old criers. She pulled on her old violet coloured mackintosh, and slipped out of the house at the side door. The drizzle of rain was like a veil over the world, mysterious, hushed, not cold. She got very warm as she hurried across the park.


Any of several similar birds, such as the meadowlark.


更多网络解释与一种小鸟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


amacrinal /无长突的/ | amadavat /一种小鸟/ | amadinone /阿马地酮/


butter-muslin /细薄的棉布/ | butterball /小鸟的一种/胖子/ | butterboat /船形酱油碟/

The canary is a small yellow songbird:金丝雀是一种黄色的会唱歌的小鸟

2112. Many oceangoing ships are sailing on the canal. 许多... | 2113. The canary is a small yellow songbird. 金丝雀是一种黄色的会唱歌的小鸟. | 2114. The match had to be cancelled because of bad weathe...


chewingsweets | 橡皮糖, 口香糖, 泡泡糖 | chewink | 北美产的一种红眼小鸟 | chewy nougat | 软(质)牛轧糖


didactics 教授法 | didapper 一种小鸟 | diddikai 吉普赛血统


dotter 加点的人 | dotterel 一种小鸟 | dottiness 神志不清


dotter /点标器/打扣机/刻点仪/ | dotterel /一种小鸟/笨蛋/愚蠢/ | dottle /烟扩/燃灰/


Dormouse 冬眠鼠,睡鼠 | Dotterel 鸻,一种小鸟 | Douglas Fir Bark Beetle 花旗松树皮甲虫


greenlandite /铌铁矿/ | greenlet /一种绿色小鸟/ | greenness /绿色/新鲜/未熟练/


dottle 残烟丝 | dottrel 一种小鸟 | dotty 多点的