英语人>词典>汉英 : 一气呵成 的英文翻译,例句
一气呵成 的英文翻译、例句


make smooth reading
更多网络例句与一气呵成相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That helped enormously, because when you present a programme you have to cope with a lot of information in one go and cannot reliably ad-lib.


Pen easily smooth, coherent, vivid and memorable full, transfer the artist's love of life, the infinite passion of life, the constant pursuit of the arts.


A good home theatre system must be made to handle a lot of volume,resolve dialogue appropriately,reveal all other sound-track information and recreate realistically dynamic information without breaking up.The Dul'cets meet all these criteria,with an additional bonus-they can be used in audio-only applications,covering smoothly the audible frequency range.


This task was actually over within 10 minutes. Checkmate in one move.


Work days from the day God made God Prophecy hair monument, Ancient Proses on Stones, Maogong Ding, Han Li, cursive, etc. composition; the other one plus there is a word meaning Oracle and Clementi, the overall effect of simplicity to the public yet lively, Smart to the public yet dignified, such as Xingyunliushui, but also dry wet with degrees, all in one.


The novel is Voltaire in less than three days to complete, and can be said to be coherent.


Concise and natural designs can be used to insert face of the geometric composition points on the line summarizes all complex forms at one go, vivid concise.


The company's selection of electronic products research, production equipment and advanced testing instruments, with the most advanced automatic Impregnation equipment, under the control of the computer, the Baptist oil, drying may be at one go.


The high waistlines, which extend from the front to the sides and all the way to the rear, together with the clean and sleek side tangent lines, reveal a personality that is both tough and yet endearingly gentle.


The high waistlines, which extend from the front to the side s and all the way to the rear, together with the clean and sleek side tangent lines, reveal a personality that is both tough and yet endearingly gentle.


更多网络解释与一气呵成相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at a blow:立即

assume a new aspect 面貌一新 | at a blow 立即 | at a dash 一气呵成

We can't finish at a blow. We'll have to come again tomorrow:我们一下子是做不完的,明天还得再来

We solved all the problems at a single blow. 我们一下子就把... | We can't finish at a blow. We'll have to come again tomorrow. 我们一下子是做不完的,明天还得再来. | at a dash一鼓作气,一气呵成地,迅速而利...

at a heat:一口气地, 一气呵成

vt.把...加热, 使激动 | at a heat 一口气地, 一气呵成 | at heat (母兽等)在交尾期

back focus:後焦点

摄像头一气呵成,里面的芯片负责摄影导星等,可透过手控器进行调焦、校正赤道仪、导星等,后焦点(Back Focus)只有4.7mm,大部份偏轴导星器都可以用上了.

Ryan Bowen:莱恩鲍文

斯科特显然不想将比赛继续拖入到加时,他将力挽狂澜的重责交给了莱恩-鲍文(Ryan Bowen)......啊不,这显然是个愚人节玩笑--真正的刺客是拉素尔-巴特勒(Rasual Butler):他在三分线外瞬间接球、起跳、出手,一气呵成!


虽然著名的论坛系统有phpBB等,但是笔者觉得SMF具有日历(Calender)功能会比较适用. (备注:安装步骤必须一气呵成,因此特辟两版,让读者按图索骥一次过完成整个论坛的安装. )


专辑分为"你的"(YOURS),"我的"(mine)和"事实"(THE TRUTH)第一部分多为硬朗的摇滚作品,第二部分多为慢板作品,第三部分三首曲子组成了一部完整的组曲"天下万物"(Everything Under The Sun)整张专辑一气呵成表达出反战主题,


>(Quest)中纵横交织的光影投向地面,勾勒出纽约曼哈顿摩天大楼的种种意象,这是一支关于现代都市人的心灵速写. >(C rosscu rrent)同样弥漫着浓浓的美国味道. 简洁、凝练,主旨清晰,一气呵成,显示了创编者娴熟老道的编舞技Ij.

Narciso Rodriguez:纳西索.罗德里格斯

另外,着墨于个人风格的缔造,以性感优雅著称的美国品牌纳西索"罗德里格斯 (Narciso Rodriguez)在本次展会上展出了一款让人无力抗拒的的香水-Essence. 整个瓶身感性纯净,一气呵成中蕴含女性的细腻和似水柔情,似乎是一个暗藏魔法的镜子,

at a dash:一气呵成

at a blow 立即 | at a dash 一气呵成 | at a full jump 全速的