英语人>词典>汉英 : 一月 的英文翻译,例句
一月 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Jan  ·  Jan.  ·  January

the first month of the lunar year · one month
更多网络例句与一月相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The building that for instance you lease is 500 January,(No matter you are,hire how long, january still is one year or 10 years) must pay the intermediary of 250 to expend intermediary place.


Bimestrial:Occurring every two months; bimonthly.


Upon the sides of this square post I cut every day a notch with my knife, and every seventh notch was as long again as the rest, and every first day of the month as long again as that long one, and thus I kept my calander, or weekly, monthly, and yearly reckoning of time.


Cold as snow breath, it tamps the womb Where the yew trees blow like hydras, The tree of life and the tree of life Unloosing their moons, month after month, to no purpose.


A holiday for janitors ought to take place in January, for both words are linked.


The happening and developing process of mother-infant relationship in the first month after birth.The frequency of feeling and chemical communication behavior between mother and infant in the pre-period are higher than in the mid-period and post-period; the frequency of aural communication and visual communication behavior between mother and infant in the mid-period are higher than in the pre-period and post-period.


By his own account he must have lived his life among some of the wickedest men that God ever allowed upon the sea; and the language in which he told these stories shocked our plain country people almost as much as the crimes that he described.

译者注 从某方面讲,说真的,他很有可能毁掉我们;因为他一周复一周,最后一月一月地住下来,以致于他付的那些钱已经全部用光了,而我的父亲从不敢壮起胆子坚持要他加钱。

Mr. I and plans for half a year want a BB but have not been pregnant this month to the hospital for an examination has been found pregnant as a result of six months but were not pregnant so there is no care to protect their early physical illness is as follows吃了药specific menstruation is the last time I was on the 4th to January 2 (can not recall the specific date that the last two days anyway) cycle for 29-32 days as a result of Kim Jong-January 16 Doctor hospital was opened two days of ofloxacin吊针two bottles a day and oral inflammation hundred net service for three days or not some of the symptoms also had oral Lowe four days after 28 No. Because when cooking large half fingernails cut off after two days due to inflammation of eating cefradine BB always wanted as a result of another failed as Friend introduction has been gradually taking ginseng cream until February 3鹿胎feeling some discomfort to the hospital post-mortem examination urine was very weakly positive on the drug problem at that time ask the director of hospital doctors when she helped me just as long as the operator told me to eat before February 5 in medicine are not all right to ask whether she was in the comfort me?


The rice glue balls, which are eaten on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, or the Lantern Festival, are the last items for the spring festival.


Showing the effect of the spring holiday, the price of vegetables, fruit, meat and aquatic products all rose; and the price of tours and travel rose by as much as 30%. Tours from Zhuhai to Beijing and Guilin increased by around 40% in February; and air fares and long-distance coach fares rose by up to 57% and 29% respectively in February.

受节日效应影响,菜类、瓜果、肉类、水产品等价格均全面上扬,旅游及外出价格上涨近 30%,珠海至北京、桂林旅游价格较一月上涨 40%左右;受春节民工返乡和居民外出影响,我市机票和长途车票分别比一月上涨 57%和 29%。

更多网络解释与一月相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一月二十一日 亚哈AHAB | 一月二十二日亚哈随鲁AHASUERUS | 一月二十三日 亚哈斯AHAZ

Ananias of Damascus:一月三十日 大马色的亚拿尼亚

. 一月二十九日 耶路撒冷的亚拿尼亚 ANANlAS OF JERUSALEM | . 一月三十日 大马色的亚拿尼亚 ANANIAS OF DAMASCUS | . 一月三十一日 大祭司亚拿尼亚 ANANlAS THE HtGH PRlEST

effective as of:自一九八七年一月一日起施行

颁布promulgated | 自一九八七年一月一日起施行 effective as of....... | chapter章

festival of lanterns:元宵节(农历一月十五日)

春节(农历一月一日)----------SpringFestival | 元宵节(农历一月十五日)- ---festival of lanterns | 清明节(四月五日前后)----Tomb-sweeping Day

Inauguration Day:总统就职日:大选后翌年的一月甘时日

Birthday of Martin Luther King - 马丁.路德金诞辰:一月的第三个周一,纪念黑人人权... | Inauguration Day - 总统就职日:大选后翌年的一月甘时日. | Washington's Birthday - 华盛顿诞辰:二月的第三个周一,美国最初...

January January:是一月, 一月January有新年

January, January是一月, 一月January有新年; | February, February是二月, 二月February有春节; | March , March是三月, 三月March 妇女节;


一月十日 神的朋友亚伯拉罕ABRAHAM THE FRIEND | 一月十一日 敬拜神的亚伯拉罕ABRAHAM THE WORSHIPPER | 一月十二日 押沙龙ABSALOM

Golden Globes:一月 美国 金球奖

1 一月 美国 金球奖 Golden Globes | 2 一月 美国 奥斯卡获奖提名 Oscar Nominations | 3 一月 德国 柏林电影节 Berlin Film Festival

Oscar Nominations:一月 美国 奥斯卡获奖提名

1 一月 美国 金球奖 Golden Globes | 2 一月 美国 奥斯卡获奖提名 Oscar Nominations | 3 一月 德国 柏林电影节 Berlin Film Festival

Holocaust Memorial Day:一月二十七日 猶太人屠殺紀念日

一月一日 元旦 New Year's Day | 一月二十七日 猶太人屠殺紀念日 Holocaust Memorial Day | 二月二日 世界濕地日 World Wetlands Day