英语人>词典>汉英 : 图腾柱 的英文翻译,例句
图腾柱 的英文翻译、例句


totem pole · totem-pole
更多网络例句与图腾柱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Symbols tend to appear in clusters and to depend on one another for their accretion of meaning and value.


It had totem poles, masks, beadwork, basket and prints.


Totem pole has long been misread as a representative of Totemism in China .


There were tepees and totem poles, which were similar to the tauren totem and spirit lodge structures in Warcraft III.


He is so ugly,the last time I see him he was the top of a totem pole in Seattle.


He is so ugly, the last time I see him he is the top of a totem pole in seattle.


He be so ugly, the last time i see him he be the top of a totem pole in seattle .


Symmetry axis and the mercy of the 14 totem pole totem pole is the re-emergence of the Han Dynasty.


In a dream he had he saw a beaver deliver a log and a raven carry a totem pole, so he told his son to carve a totem pole in thanks to the other chief.


This bore a tall piece of wood, adzed-flattened on its two faces with the sides indented or crenellated in regular squares; it had something of the air and presence of a totem-pole and it was topped by a skull.


更多网络解释与图腾柱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

false berry:[植]假浆果

evalvular 无(活)瓣的 | false berry [植]假浆果 | totem pole circuit "图腾柱"电路

Dream Catcher:捕梦网

你可以在原住民保留区的免税豪华赌场里,在诸如>(The Last of the Mohicans)的小说里,循着叙述美国西部开发史的乐曲>(Trail Of Tears)的旋律,张起缀着羽毛和珠子的"捕梦网"(Dream Catcher),在古老得有些模糊的印地安图腾柱上,

incoherent:不连贯的, 语无伦次的

totem pole circuit "图腾柱"电路 | incoherent 不连贯的, 语无伦次的 | physiographic ecology 地文生态学 自然地理生态学

killer whale:逆戟鲸

在超过20年的时间里,这根上面描绘着雷鸟(Thunderbird)、巨熊(Grisly Bear)、"逆戟鲸"(Killer Whale)和火神(Fire God)的图腾柱在进港和出港时都被树立在舰桥前方.

totem pole:图腾柱

在北美西北岸印第安人那高大的图腾柱被西方人发现的时候,人们都将它作为图腾主义的标志性东西,图腾柱(Totem Pole)的名字也是因此而来. 欧洲的学者们在创建图腾学说的理论基础时大量引用了北美印第安人和澳大利亚土著的民族学资料.

totem pole:推拉输出电路,图腾柱

"totally-enclosed machine ","全封闭式电机" | "totem pole ","推拉输出电路,图腾柱" | "touch call ","接触叫号"

Totem poles:图腾柱

其它风景名胜:狗拉寻橇比赛--从1月到3月,许多在镇均有;海狗--夏天,在普里比洛夫群岛;冰川湾国家公园--在那里,11个大冰川与水相连,在朱诺附近;图腾柱(Totem poles)--在凯奇坎(Ketchikan)和锡特卡(Sitka)国有历史公园ⅲ 阿拉斯加州首

totemic:图腾的 (形)

totem pole 图腾柱; 阶级; 等级 | totemic 图腾的 (形) | totipotency 全能性 (名)

totem pole circuit:图腾柱"电路

false berry [植]假浆果 | totem pole circuit "图腾柱"电路 | incoherent 不连贯的, 语无伦次的

lowman on the totem pole:图腾柱上的洛曼

Or rice picker, or simply|或者搬运大米的 或者更简单 | lowman on the totem pole.|图腾柱上的洛曼 | A husband who has wronged you, who has cheated and lied to you,|一个亏待你的丈夫 他背着你偷腥 欺骗你