英语人>词典>汉英 : 不屑 的英文翻译,例句
不屑 的英文翻译、例句


disdain to do sth. · think sth. not worth doing · think it scorn to
更多网络例句与不屑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It goes with the grain of Britain's ornery zeitgeist, with its antipathy to politicians.


And, for the longest time, the dog had distained to answer to any other appellation.


Before I was a small number of disdain, such as attendants like, do not think it has.


Assur's face was a mask of amusement, but it quickly turned to anger as the onslaught continued.


While certainly not a pattern followed by extraordinary executives, many people have advanced their careers by playing internal politics astutely.


But, when we are discussing this problem, In Starbucks or more "Starbucks" place, there is some taste sharp-edged, the makeup pemits fine, the genersosity of spirit is extraordinary, certainly making moves more extraordinary, clothes gorgeous and dont make open of the woman smiles or at the despise ground mouth-----they make probably the copy chief of vogue magzine, plan exhibition person, costume design teacher, domestic the first yoga gives up the founder of guest guild, they have been sheared bare-headed, cutting through trousers in Yunnan, listenning to Nico and underground velour, exhibitted in the most sophisticated science and technnlogy with the most underaround literature performed a company to appear and disapear, also ever from drive cross-country long got rid of Tibet, even once ascended the jade dragon snow mountain........


The first edition of Debrett's Peerage(7) and Baronetage(8)-- known in Britain as the "toff's(9) bible" was published in 1769, and its tome on manners, Debrett's Correct Form, has guided high society for decades.


Lyrics: Wu Kequn composer: Wu Kequn * October 18 my birthday candles this day off after emerging your face I said I wish you a happy birthday but there are, Guazaizuibian You said you around one more after wounding him, then you do not want to say You said you will miss the mark thank you or I say thanks # I disdain to commemorate this day we remember you were my disdain of the mouth含着Sorry Later, I found your Celian my mind there is only one point incomplete incomplete Repeat *△ I disdain to commemorate this day we were disdain I miss your face just another statement to Later, I found your Celian my mind there is only one incomplete Repeat #,△,# Forget that I only regret is

10月18我生日这一天蜡烛熄灭后浮现你的脸你说祝我生日快乐但还有话挂在嘴边你说你身边多了一个他之后伤人的话你不想讲你说你会怀念或纪念谢谢你我该说声感谢#我不屑纪念这一天我们分别我不屑怀念你的嘴含著抱歉我后来发现你的侧脸只是我脑子里面的一点残缺一点残缺 Repeat *△我不屑纪念这一天我们分别我不屑怀念你的脸欲止又言我后来发现你的侧脸只是我脑子里面的一点残缺 Repeat #,△,#忘了说抱歉的是我才对

It is I am willing to follow those plain code to mark a price very much only, be particular about the businessman of sincere letter cooperates, you have one to say one, a minute of money a minute of goods, love trades with who with who, do not say fairy tale, so although I understand the way of skyline, but very some distain, disdain those associate with to be in like me " commercialize " below banner of this hunt hunt, the concerned branch that chaos of ground of annual month in and month out collects fees.


Just another important performance that the current construction industry, particularly shoulders talent echelon training institutions, as a minority is not the construction of a door pragmatic technical science, but most of the energy and interest will be placed on different architectural theory, Architectural styles research, talking to various irresponsible, the whole story, and thus mislead young students cheating, disdainful at the architectural design of basic skills training in the most disdainful at relevance civil construction design everyday thought "- swan is around the corner" that alone in the ivory tower research paper pile, the great achievements can work.


更多网络解释与不屑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I will not dignify your suggestion:不屑于考虑你的建议

极度过敏 Deadly allergic | 不屑于考虑你的建议 I will not dignify your suggestion | 用闷闷的口气说话 In that sullen tone

I won't dignify that question with an answer:我不屑于回答你这个问题

Are you or are you not having an affair with Rebecca Gillies?|你和丽贝卡.吉利斯到底有没有暧昧关系? | I won't dignify that question with an answer.|我不屑于回答你这个问题 | Right.|很好

Ferocious disdain:(狰狞 不屑)英语

We must together, stubbornly persists,(我们要在一起,不离不弃)英语1 | Ferocious disdain(狰狞 不屑)英语1 | Go to hell!(去死吧!)英语1

Try to understand. Flout envy:尝试去理解他人.不屑嫉妒

Forgive an enemy.Listen.Apologize if you were wrong. 宽恕敌人.用心... | Try to understand. Flout envy. 尝试去理解他人.不屑嫉妒. | Examine your demands on others.Think first of someone else. 审视自己对他...

Try to understand. Flout envy:浓度去理解他人. 不屑嫉妒

Listen.Apologize if you were wrong. 用心聆听. 犯了错便道歉. | Try to understand.Flout envy. 浓度去理解他人. 不屑嫉妒. | Examine your demands on others. 审视自己对他人的所求.

Try to understand. Flout envy:尝试取理解他人. 不屑嫉妒

Forgive an enemy. Listen. Apologize if you wrong. 宽恕敌人. 用心... | Try to understand. Flout envy. 尝试取理解他人. 不屑嫉妒. | Examine your demands on others. Think first of someone else. 审视自己对他...

get involved in doing sth:参与到做某事中, 骗人的玩意儿 (很好表达出一些专家的不屑)

star-gazing parties观星派对,美好D未来 | get involved in doing sth 参与到做某事中, 骗人的玩意儿 (很好表达出一些专家的不屑) | sustainable future 可持续的,

get involved in doing sth:参与到做某事中 玩意儿 (很好表达出一些专家的不屑)

sustainable future 可持续的,美好D未来 | get involved in doing sth 参与到做某事中 玩意儿 (很好表达出一些专家的不屑) | sustainable future 可持续的,美好D未来

Played Chicken:和别人比试胆量很多人想和我比,我好不屑啊

( ) Been to Jail 进过监狱 | ( ) Played Chicken 和别人比试胆量很多人想和我比,我好不屑啊 | ( ) Been Pushed Into A Pool With All Your Clothes On 穿着衣服被人推进游泳池为什么我总觉得我有上演过湿身秀...

She scorns to tell a lie:她不屑说谎

scorn to ask for help 不屑于求助 | She scorns to tell a lie.她不屑说谎. | scornful adj. 鄙视的,轻蔑的