英语人>词典>英汉 : with half a heart的中文,翻译,解释,例句
with half a heart的中文,翻译,解释,例句

with half a heart

with half a heart的基本解释


更多网络例句与with half a heart相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Can you only be loyal with half a heart


It was with half a heart that he finally consented.


With half a heart in a half-hearted manner .


With half a heart In a half-hearted manner.


Mark and Tammy Weber count their blessings every day. Two and a half years ago, their daughter, Evie, was born with a condition that's left her with half a heart.

Mark 和 Tammy Weber每天无时无刻不在祈祷着,两年半前,他们的女儿,Evie,出生时只拥有半个心脏。

更多网络解释与with half a heart相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

with half a heart:半心半意地

with great care 小心翼翼地 | with half a heart 半心半意地 | with heart afire 热血沸腾地

You only love with half a heart:你只是用你一半的爱爱我

I should have seen it from the start 我应该从开始时想到这个 | You only love with half a heart 你只是用你一半的爱爱我 | Now I know why 现在我知道为什么了

He helped me with half a heart:他勉勉强强地帮助了我

654. 他高高兴兴回家了. He went back home with a light heart. | 655. 他勉勉强强地帮助了我. He helped me with half a heart. | 656. 我不加渲染地告诉了他这件事. I told him this story without color.

He did his work with half a heart:(半心半意)

1. He did his work with half a heart.(半心半意) | 2.He is a bad egg.(坏蛋) | 3.I'm afraid he will lose face this time.(丢脸)

with a half heart:半心半意

set one's heart at ease 放心 | with a half heart 半心半意 | with all one's heart / heart and soul 全心全意