英语人>词典>汉英 : 半心半意地 的英文翻译,例句
半心半意地 的英文翻译、例句


with half a heart
更多网络例句与半心半意地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We are so half-hearted in our service for Christ. Christ wants wholehearted, brimful service, and overflowing faithfulness.


I don't do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.


You must admit you've neverloved her wholeheartedly and half-hearted love is worse than none.


Her attempt to convince me was halfhearted.


The discredit of the political class, the dwindling confidence in public institutions, the disillusionment with the market economy – despite a halfhearted acknowledgement that there is a lack of alternatives – and the problems of social exclusion, all highlight the need to build a consensus platform that will guarantee an environment of political stability and democratic governance.


That seems unlikely to happen:"I am no longer having fun playing football and if I would only play halfheartedly it would be no good to anyone",added Deisler,who was considered to be one of the most talented players ever to play in Germany.


Now they were both in love with her, and India Wilkes and Letty Munroe, from Lovejoy, whom Brent had been half-heartedly courting, were far in the back of their minds.


Not content with Stuart alone, she had set her cap for Brent as well, and with a thoroughness that overwhelmed the two of them.Now they were both in love with her, and India Wilkes and Letty Munroe, from Lovejoy, whom Brent had been half-heartedly courting , were far in the back of their minds.


But he has only half-heartedly applied these lessons to the U.S. economy.


Even then, I proceed half-heartedly, in a kind of dream.


更多网络解释与半心半意地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

with heart afire:热血沸腾地

with half a heart 半心半意地 | with heart afire 热血沸腾地 | with impunity 不受惩罚地

Royally entertain:款待

(5) Royally 庄严地, 象王族 | Royally entertain 款待 | (6) Half-hearted 半心半意的

with half a heart:半心半意地

with great care 小心翼翼地 | with half a heart 半心半意地 | with heart afire 热血沸腾地


last-minute最后一刻 | half-heartedly半心半意地 | party lifestyle派对生活方式