英语人>词典>英汉 : wild cherry的中文,翻译,解释,例句
wild cherry的中文,翻译,解释,例句

wild cherry

wild cherry的基本解释

[化] 野樱皮

Wild Cherry
更多网络例句与wild cherry相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hao Feng mixed wild cherry canning factory is specialized production and marketing of all kinds of canned fruit and vegetable-based food enterprises.


The larvae of these moths are most commonly found on Maple trees, but they have been known to feed on Wild Cherry and Birch trees among many others.


The wild cherry cough drop dissolving in my mouth is sweet and soothing.


Wild Cherry Bark and Horehound blend soothes irritated throats and supports respiration.


Small shrubby North American wild cherry with small bright red acid fruit.


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更多网络解释与wild cherry相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wild cherry:野櫻桃

热门美剧<<拉古娜海滩--真正的桔子郡>>(Laguna Beach)的主演克里斯汀-卡瓦拉瑞为了在新片<<野樱桃>>(Wild Cherry)中保持身材,专门和教练麦克-亚历山大(Mike Alexander)一起进行训练.

Wild cherry:野艳樱桃

美体小铺 (THE BODY SHOP) 09全新美体产品--野艳樱桃(Wild Cherry) 身体护理系列绝对是不错的选择!充满诱惑的红色包装清新可爱,甜甜的樱桃香味带给你愉悦心情的同时给予你肌肤温柔贴心的保护,让你从内到外散发迷人魅力!

Wild cherry:野樱桃系列

Japanese Cherry Blossom Body Puree日本樱花身体润肤乳2509 | Wild Cherry/野樱桃系列 | wild cherry body scrub野樱桃身体磨砂膏20012.5

Wild cherry:野樱

wild carrot ==> 野胡萝卜 | wild cherry ==> 野樱 | wild chrysanthemum flower ==> 野菊花

Wild cherry soap:野樱桃皂

Wild cherry puree body lotion 野樱桃身体乳 | Wild cherry soap 野樱桃皂 | Wise woman defensive hand & nail cream 极致修护手霜

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