英语人>词典>英汉 : volt-line的中文,翻译,解释,例句



伏特线, 伏秒

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In an atypically cryptic press release, General Motors today announced that it will be building a new small car at an unnamed idled UAW-staffed assembly plant here in the U.S. The new vehicle will be in addition to the already-planned 2011 Chevrolet Volt and Cruze, but it's not yet known which small car it will be.

非典型隐蔽在新闻稿中,通用汽车今天宣布,该公司将建立一个新的小型车在不具名闲置工会人手组装厂,在美国新的汽车将在除了已经计划2011年雪佛兰Volt和Cruze ,但尚不清楚其中小型车将。

For that matter, so does the upcoming Chevrolet Volt.

对于这个问题,所以没有即将到来的雪佛兰Volt 。

Now connect the red wire to the positive terminal of the volt meter, and the black wire to the negative (or "common") terminal of the volt meter.


更多网络解释与volt-line相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


volt-ampere 伏安 | volt-ampere 伏安伏安 | volt-ohmmeter 电压-电阻表


volt 伏特 | volt ampere 伏特安倍 | volt ampere characteristic 伏 安特性

volt box:伏特箱;分压箱

"伏特安培","volt ampere" | "伏特箱;分压箱","volt box" | "伏特比较","volt comparison"