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In the work of the Veristic Surrealists, the surface of the painting tends to be flat and glossy: the viewer is reminded as little as possible that the ILLUSION is composed of paint and the hallucinatory effect is thereby enhanced.


The second tendency of Surrealist painting, sometimes called Veristic Surrealism, was to depict with meticulous clarity and often in great detail a world analogous to the dream world.


Veristic Surrealism subdivides into a second main type in the work of Yves Tanguy.

真正的超现实主义以他的作品Yves Tanguy被划分如第2个主要的形态。

Surrealists approved of desire in its attack on reason and the Veristic Surrealism of Paul Delvaux (b 1897), in which women appear in the cool surroundings of noble architecture and exude an hallucinatory eroticism.

超现实主义和 Paul Delvaux (b 1897)真正的超现实主义,在攻击中赞同欲望,在这些作品中,女性出现在高贵建筑寒冷的环境中,,引发对性的幻想。