英语人>词典>英汉 : turn the tide的中文,翻译,解释,例句
turn the tide的中文,翻译,解释,例句

turn the tide

turn the tide的基本解释

改变形势, 改变局面使事态急转直下

更多网络例句与turn the tide相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If she had discovered a cache of technology, it could turn the tide of this war.


Using Josiah as an example, let us learn to turn the tide of bad influence in our society today.


But you, you turn the tide wash over me


更多网络解释与turn the tide相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the course of history to turn the tide of battles and elections:历史过程中,以扭转战役和选举

officials (yes even presidents) have used this skill throughout官员(甚至是总统)一直... | the course of history to turn the tide of battles and elections历史过程中,以扭转战役和选举 | in their favor.他们青...

But you, you turn the tide wash over me:可你,竟使我措手不及

To get through the night discover the peace I wish I knew 从而穿过着无尽的黑夜,到达那方我梦寐的净土 | But you, you turn the tide wash over me 可你,竟使我措手不及 | Come set me free 你放任了我的自由

But you, you turn the tide wash over me:但是你,你让我在汹涌的潮水中得以解脱

To get through the night discover the peace I wish I knew 打破黑暗的夜晚去寻找我想要的宁静 | But you, you turn the tide wash over me 但是你,你让我在汹涌的潮水中得以解脱, | Come set me free 给我自由