英语人>词典>英汉 : trial jury的中文,翻译,解释,例句
trial jury的中文,翻译,解释,例句

trial jury

trial jury的基本解释


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In a jury trial,there are only twelve opinions that matter and yours is not one of them.


In a jury trial, there are only twelve opinions that matter and yours is not one of them.


He added,"The only thing it does not have is a trial by jury."


Then he discovered that an old friend of his was one of the jury at his trial.


The right to trial by jury is entrenched in our legal system.


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更多网络解释与trial jury相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

trial jury:陪审团

在美国,我作为民事案件陪审团(Trial Jury)的候选人,对民事案件审议判决的过程有个基本了解. 根据美国的司法制度,无论是民事案和刑事案都需要一个陪审团. 陪审团的组成一般十二人,成员由不同年龄、职业和种族的法定良民随机组成.

trial jury:小陪审团

大陪审团(GrandJury)的任务是初审,小陪审团(Trial Jury)的任务是终审. 检察官先把案子呈送给大陪审团,如果陪审团认为此案值得过堂,就转给小陪审团,否则就把案子打回给检察官(检察官可以就此放弃,也可以加强证据后再来).

jury trial:陪审团审判

此观诸大宪章(Magna Carta)、人身保护状(Habeas Corpus),以及陪审团审判(jury trial)等在英语系世界中所提到的一些自由之根基(roots of liberty),原本就都是程序性的设计与一些方法.

jury trial:陪审团审案 陪审团审案

jury tempering 非法干预陪审团 非法干预陪审团 | jury trial 陪审团审案 陪审团审案 | juvenile court 青少年/未成年人法庭 青少年/未成年人法庭

jury trial:陪审团制

jury selection 挑选陪审员 | jury trial陪审团制 | justice 公正,**官

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