英语人>词典>英汉 : topic的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

topic ['tɔpik]


话题, 主题, 论题, 题目

  • We have common topics to talk about.
  • 我们有共同的话题可谈。
n. subject · issue · question · problem · point · text · theme
更多 网络例句 与topic相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It surveys the sameness and difference of the Topic structure in Chinese and in Japanese from many aspects including the marker of Topic, the non-conventional phenomena in the structure of the Topic, the sentential forms of the Topic in Chinese and English and the relation of the contrast and the Topic.


The paper explores the characteristics of Chinese topic structure and puts forward four English translation methods: 1 corresponding method, because topic is sometimes merge with subject; 2 adding method because omittance phenomena exist in Chinese; 3 adjusting method, because in Chinese actions go in the direction from topic to comment; 4 separating-based method, because in some Chinese topic structures, topic and comment can have two different ways of separation, thereby resulting in ambiguity.


Giuseppe Verdi(1813-1901)is one of the greatest opera composer of Romantic period and created numerous works in his whole life.In addition of changing previous patriotic topic and history topic to love story and romantic topic from《La Traviata》.Verdi use many new creative skills,for example recalled melody and promoted the importance of the orchestra. Therefore 《La Traviata》is an important turning point for Verdi.

威尔第(Giuseppe Verdi,1813-1901)是浪漫时期歌剧的代表作曲家之一,一生创作了无数作品,自「茶花女」开始,威尔第一改其以往惯用的爱国、历史题材,转而采用爱情故事或浪漫情节来创作;另外在「茶花女」此一作品中,威尔第运用了许多崭新的创作手法,例如回忆性旋律,并且加强了管弦乐团在歌剧中的重要性,因此「茶花女」对威尔第而言,是一个创作上极重要的的转捩点。

更多网络解释 与topic相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


英语文章有这样的特点关键在于段落是构建在一个以"主题"(TOPIC)为核心的基础上. 全段以此为中心,进行逻辑发展,结果自然是内容"单一",也"连贯"了. 阅读文章时,必须通过分辨主题句、找关键词等捕捉文章的主题意义. 必须明确文章的单一性,


1 话题 "话题"(topic)和"指斥"(comment)是一对普及使用的术语,从言语寒暄的角度说,"话题"便是"被评论争吵的器材"(what is being talked about),而指斥是"针对话题所评论争吵的内容"(w"话题"(topic)和"指斥"(comment)是一对普及使用的术语,


-matter,Subject 可能有"主题"(theme)之义,但也可解为"题目"(topic), 这里应是后者为妥;matter 为"材料"则不会有歧义. 但不论是"主题之材" 还是"标题之材",反正是艺术创作的"材料",不应是艺术创作的"内容", 则是无异议的事.


考生应该快速画出这句话中与论题(topic)相关的关键信息点(比如:who, what, where, when, why),并根据这些信息点进行对话题观点作出思考(brainstorming).

Topic:abbr. teletext output of price information by computer; 计算机报价电视

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