英语人>词典>英汉 : tighten up的中文,翻译,解释,例句
tighten up的中文,翻译,解释,例句

tighten up

tighten up的基本解释

使紧密, 加强

更多网络例句与tighten up相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Your muscles tighten up and there's a...


Now you want to tighten it up.


If you look at them as special, you might tighten up a bit.


He said he would take steps to tighten up the administration.


We need to tighten up security at the prison.


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更多网络解释与tighten up相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tighten up:加强

Coverity公司是所谓"源代码检查系统"的制造者,他们运用特定发专业工具对程序代码集进行"扫描",以便发现其中存在的安全隐患(或是程序缺陷),从而加强(tighten up)其安全性.

tighten up:绷紧(或:上紧)一点

Unleash the drilling tools. 卸开钻具 | Tighten up. 绷紧(或:上紧)一点 | Turn on the cooling water for the windlasses. 开锚机刹车冷却水

tighten up:使紧密

tighten the screws 加强控制 | tighten up 使紧密 | tighten 变紧

tighten up:拉紧

tight-strong seam 强固紧密焊缝 | tighten up 拉紧 | tighten 收紧

tighten up 1:使变紧;使更牢固 2.绷紧,拉紧(绳子、线等)

tighten one's grip on 更紧地抓住(某人或某物) | tighten one's hold on 更紧地抓住(某人或某物) | tighten up 1.使变紧;使更牢固 2.绷紧,拉紧(绳子、线等)

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