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the Tramp的中文,翻译,解释,例句

the Tramp

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"Well then," said the tramp,"what are you doing in my bed?"


He woke the tramp up and said, I read your sign.


There are two types of shipping markets, the liner market and the tramp market.


However, he gradually began to develop the character of the tramp that we always connect with his name.


T don't know, the first tramp said.


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The Tramp:流浪者

世界观光组织(WTO)对观光型态的分类、观光市场六大区域、以区别长期徒步旅行流浪者(the tramp)及游牧民族(the以区别迁居移民(the migrant)的单程之旅. 以区别从事短程游览者(the excursionist)或游玩者(the在观光系统(Tourism System)概念下,

The Tramp:流浪汉

回来的路上心情复杂,这对流浪汉父子不免让我想起一位已故默片时代喜剧大师,以塑造了经典的"流浪汉"(The Tramp)形象而闻名于世的查理.卓别林(Charles Chaplin).

on the tramp:到处流浪

free convertible currency 可自由兑换通货[货币] | on the tramp 到处流浪 | drum rotor 鼓形转子, 鼓形转动体

on the tramp:浪迹天涯

Only one part is willing. 一厢情愿. | on-the-tramp 浪迹天涯 | Open to persuasion, but not to coercion. 吃软不吃硬.

Lady and the Tramp:(小姐与流氓)

"我父母亲壁炉上方就有一对>(Lady and the Tramp)中的卡通装饰,我记得它们一直在那里,大概有40年之久吧. 我父亲今年73了,还保留着孩提时的米老鼠玩具. "这些都是珍稀品,要是放到eBay上去卖,准能卖个好价钱.

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