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tea chest的中文,翻译,解释,例句

tea chest

tea chest的基本解释


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Pack you in a tea chest?...


In fact, she has always hated everything about her. From her long, swishy skirts and giant mugs of tea cradled to her chest to the way she sits really close when she wants to speak to you.


Is the affair,啦!Flowers are red, grass is green, I told you it was a sincere; the sky is blue, the ocean is deep, no you never do.A cup of hot tea chest that I can warm a good book can make my eyes moist, but allow me to Heart of only you.


After the exit of Europeans, priorities changed ends as the supplies of Tea chest are being looked after by numerous Plywood industries of Assam.


King Charles II of England married the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza who brought with her, as part of her dowry, a small chest of tea.


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tea chest:茶叶箱

这一天,也是在一楼实验室,从摆放在西南墙角的一只茶叶箱(tea chest)里发现了更多的人体断肢--铺在表层的矿石标本和鞣皮底下藏了一副胸腔. 其中空处插一条左大腿,左胸下端有一处仿佛被利器戳穿的洞状伤口.

tea chest:茶叶筒

tea canister 茶叶罐 | tea chest 茶叶筒 | tea cropper 茶叶收获机

tea chest:茶叶箱(出口用);茶叶罐

tea catechin 茶叶儿茶酸 | tea chest 茶叶箱(出口用);茶叶罐 | tea cult (茶叶)品茗会

tea chest:茶叶箱, 茶叶罐

"茶道","tea ceremony" | "茶叶箱, 茶叶罐","tea chest" | "品茗会","tea cult"