英语人>词典>英汉 : tax base的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇
tax base的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

tax base

tax base的基本解释

课税基础, 计税基数

更多网络例句与tax base相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How to realize the base of tax depends on the realization of the national nature and function.


There is also the choice of tax base.


Do you agree that it is necessary to broaden the tax base in order to increase government revenue?


In Beijing's personal income tax base pay increase, from 1200 to 1600 yuan / month?


Because of technological progress, population growth and inflation, the nation's income and tax base grows over time.


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更多网络解释与tax base相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tax base:税基

* * 税基和税率 税基(Tax Base)是指政府可以据以征税的对象从价税(Ad valorem)是以课税对象的价格为依据征税. 由于所得税、财产税、销售税等等均是按照相应税基的百分比征税,属于从价税. 从量税(Unit Tax)是以课税对象的数量为依据征税.

tax base:计税基础

资本利得的计税基础(tax base)为转让财产所获得的收入与被转让财产的取得成本之间的差额. 套用国家税务总局文件的表述方式,股权转让所得为企业"转让股权投资的收入减除股权投资成本后的余额"或者"股权转让价减除股权成本价后的差额".

tax base:課稅基礎

前三个问题,应由税收实体法(有关税种的法律)规范,对应的是三个税收基本要素:即纳税人(tax payer)、课税基础(tax base)和税收负担(tax burden). 后一个问题,应由税收程序法(税收征管法和税收行政法制)规范的,但税收实体法中也会有所涉及.

tax base:税基;课税基础

tax band 税阶 | tax base 税基;课税基础 | tax benefit 税项利益

weak tax base:税源不足

税收流失 t ax erosion | 税源不足 weak tax base | 私营经济(私人经济) t he private sector

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