英语人>词典>英汉 : tar paper的中文,翻译,解释,例句
tar paper的中文,翻译,解释,例句

tar paper

tar paper的基本解释






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The heavy paper impregnated with tar is used as part of a roof for waterproofing.


The paper introduces coal tar processing and new technology of coal tar separation both at home and abroad and the shortcomings of domestic technology. PRO/Ⅱ was used to simulate two-column continuous distillation and was found to be a good tool to improve the technology.


The pit cover should be sealed over with tar paper or plastic.


A 4 inch band of black tar paper is formed into an extension of the can and filled with vermiculite and placed in a dark box with high temperature and humidity.


And because KS's three-regime TAR model specification is consistent with our three-regime TAR, this paper explains KS method at some length and proposes a procedure to improve KS method.


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pine tar paper:松焦油纸

pine tar oil 松焦油 | pine tar paper 松焦油纸 | pine tar pitch 松焦油沥青

pine tar paper:防火纸;松香油加工纸

pin 包针纸 | pine tar paper 防火纸;松香油加工纸 | pitched kraft paper 防潮牛皮纸

tar paper:沥青纸

26. saw dust 木屑 | 27. tar paper 沥青纸 | 28. wax paper 蜡纸

tar paper:焦油沥青毡

tar felt 焦油沥青毡 | tar paper 焦油沥青毡 | tarpaulin 焦油帆布

tar paper:焦油纸

tar paint 焦油涂料 | tar paper 焦油纸 | tar rope 油绳

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