英语人>词典>英汉 : synonymic的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

synonymic [,sinə'nimik]



更多网络例句与synonymic相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This thesis, based on the text of Xun Zi, taking for reference the exegeses by Yang Liang in Tang Dynasty and the annotations of many scholars included in Xun Zi Ji Jie by Wang Xianqian in Qing Dynasty, analyzes the synonymic relationship of monosyllabic verbs in Xun Zi in the light of the methodology and achievements of all the predecessors for the purpose ...


He thinks rhetoric as knowledge to select synonymic means.


Some of Master Lee's work included a technique defined by the term " totem," which is recognized as synonymic with unity and balance of universal energies in eastern culture.


So it is a very important means for us to make a comparative study on the synonymic prepositions in TCSL. And only in this way, could we explain clearly the difference of every preposition among the same group, and thus explain its unique position in the whole system of Chinese grammar.


Only in this way,can the Chinese rhetoric of the 21th century be developed even faster and even better than ever before. rhetoric ; synonymic devices ; review

一、同义手段理论研究的三个阶段尽管有学者指出,语言的同义现象古已有之,而同义学说在本世纪 30年代的修辞学著作中已经涉及,但事实上,这些充其量只能说明人们

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更多网络解释与synonymic相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


tautological compound 同義並列複合詞 | synonymic 同義的 | equative 同義詞

synonymic prepositions:同义介词

常用介词:frequently-used prepositions | 同义介词:synonymic prepositions | 空间介词:spatial prepositions