英语人>词典>英汉 : sustentacular的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

sustentacular [,sʌsten'tækjulə]


[解]支柱的, 支持的

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At postnatal 1st week immunopositive reaction of NGF was detected mainly in sustentacular cells and the spermatogonia also showed positive staining. NGF positive staining in the testes was observed in interstitial cells, spermatogenetic cells, sustentacular cells and Leydig cells at 3rd week. After the postnatal 5th week, NGF-positive immunostaining was also detected in intersitial cells and spermatogenetic cells, but the intensity of reaction was weaker than that at 1st and 3rd weeks.


With the development of the society, the tourist trade, which is with the most powerful developing trend as well as the largest scale, has become one of the sustentacular indusry in the global economic.


The function of sustentacular cells was found in two aspects: one was sustentacular, which made a suitable place for the development of spematogenic cells, another was nutritive, which supplied materials and energy for the development of spermatogenic cells.


The concentrated tea polyphenol in green tea is a kind of pure vegetal anti-oxidation molecules, which can reduce harm from free radical to sustentacular fibers.


Ecotourism have been as an ideally standard for developing area projects, while nowadays tourism is becoming the emphasis economic domain department till to the sustentacular industrial in some places.


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sustentacular tissue:支持组织

suspensor 胚柄 | sustentacular tissue 支持组织 | suture 缝合

sustentacular cell:支持细胞

2.支持细胞 支持细胞(sustentacular cell)又称Sertoli细胞. 在光镜下,支持细胞轮廓不清,核常呈不规则形,核染色质稀疏,染色汪和,核仁明显. 电镜观察下,支持细胞呈不规则锥体形,基部紧贴基膜,顶部伸达管腔,侧面和腔面有许多不规则凹陷,

sustentacular cell:支柱细胞

\\"悬韧带\\",\\"suspensory ligament\\" | \\"支柱细胞\\",\\"sustentacular cell\\" | \\"支柱细胞瘤\\",\\"sustentacular cell tumor\\"

sustentacular fibers:支持纤维,支柱纤维

sustaining wall 扶墙 | sustentacular fibers 支持纤维,支柱纤维 | suttle weight 净重,净重

sustentacular cell tumor:支柱细胞瘤

\\"支柱细胞\\",\\"sustentacular cell\\" | \\"支柱细胞瘤\\",\\"sustentacular cell tumor\\" | \\"载距突\\",\\"sustentaculum tali\\"

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