英语人>词典>英汉 : stereoplasm的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

stereoplasm ['stiəriə,plæzəm]


固质, 硬质, 固浆

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4 The paper--should be formed, the coating should be uniform, while there are plaques in NaReS, mutilates, suriko, bubbing, stereoplasm and obvious skin appearance such as paper′s.

4.4 纸面应平整,涂布应均匀,不许有折子、破损、斑痕、鼓泡、硬质块及明显的条痕等外观纸病。

Pulp substitutes, this kind of paper can give your users a higher quality and much less hassle, stereoplasm white would be the kind of paper.


The general circumstances of low density doubleside for high-quality color business card printing and membership card making and line business card printing and membership card making, medium density doubleside for color business card printing and membership card production, high density and stereoplasm doubleside for lines and full business card printing and membership card.


Features and application: suitable for paper, wood, plastic, etc stereoplasm was applied to the materials, calculators, photo albums, toy stickers.


General paper cutting, pressing for greater pressure on the realities of the outside will be trimmed stereoplasm paper or paperboard, a tray of down.


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赤道面投影 stereographic projection | 灰质物 stereoplasm | 立体镜 stereoscope


实神经轴胚;夭神经轴胚 stereoneurula | 硬性原生质 stereoplasm | 立体视像;实体镜视像 stereoscopic vision