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song form的中文,翻译,解释,例句

song form

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As a universal art form, pop song s have long been the target of controversy.


A polyphonic song evolving from this form of poetry and resembling the madrigal in style.


A polyphonic song evolving from this form of poetry and resembling the ''.'madrigal'.


Her lyrical odes to the nation, family, and love are in the form called Long Song.


What is the form of this song?


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Song form:歌谣形式

"联篇歌曲","Song cycle" | "歌谣形式","Song form" | "无言歌","Song without word"

Song form:歌曲形式

sonata-rondo form 奏鸣-回旋曲式 | song form 歌曲形式 | song without words 无言歌,一种抒情性器乐作品

Two-part song form:二段歌谣形式

"二部和声","Two-part harmony" | "二段歌谣形式","Two-part song form" | "标准连章形式","Typical cyclic form"

song form and proportion:曲式比例

药品收入比例:pharmacy income proportion | 曲式比例:song form and proportion | 组织比量:proportion of wood tissues

Song form a secret garden:神秘园之歌

16.Nocturne 梦幻曲 | 17.Song form a secret garden 神秘园之歌 | 18.New morning 清晨

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