英语人>词典>英汉 : song circles的中文,翻译,解释,例句
song circles的中文,翻译,解释,例句

song circles

song circles的基本解释


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Her tattoos include a star under her arm, a gun on the inside of her upper left arm, three circles on her wrist, and various bits of writing, including the phrase "this world tonight is mine", which comes from a PJ Harvey song("My version of carpe diem"),and the phrase"this too shall pass""Obviously I was going through some stuff when I had that done."

她的纹身包括:手臂里面的一颗星星,左上臂里面的一支手枪,手腕里面的三个圈子和各种各样的文字,包括:"This world tonight is mine"(来自PJ Harvey的歌曲)(Freja:"我版本的carpe diem")和" This too shall pass" Freja:"明显地,当时我正在经历一些不愉快的事。"

There were said to be too many circles to be the work of a few "hoaxers"(but this assumed that each circle took many hours to make), or that circles appeared in well-watched crops, or that circle creation was accompanied by unearthly noises (when these sounds were played back, even I recognized the nocturnal song of the grasshopper warbler).


Claims to address pretty much every eye-skin-care woe you can think of, from puffiness to dark circles, wrinkles, and tired skin, It sounds like the ultimate choice for eyes, but we've all heard this song before with countless other lauder eye products, from Uncircle to Unline to Eyezone, along with a vast selection from the ten other lines under Lauder's ownership.

声称能治幼纹,熊猫眼,皱纹,疲肌肤。听起来像是眼部的最终选择,但是对于其他无数的兰黛眼部产品(uncircle, unline, eyezone)以及兰黛公司的其他十个品牌生产线,我们早已听过这个调调。且不论它所谓的皮肤修复功能,不可否认这是一个非常好,有机硅?

更多网络解释与song circles相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


影评film review | 影视歌三栖明星tri-circle star; actor or actress popular in film, television, and song circles | 应试教育examination-oriented education system