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SEPIC: Somma says today about 700,000 Americans have ham licenses — a nearly 60 percent jump over a generation ago.


Was founded in 1962 in Trento, Italy as the clothing division of the SOMMA textile group.

是 SOMMA 纺织集团的分公司。

SOMMA:"We had over 30,000 new amateurs coming in to the radio service, and the trend seems to be going upward."

索马:&我们有超过30 000个新进来的业余无线电服务,而且这种趋势似乎是想向上。&

The second part begins with a contribution by Pier Giuseppe Monateri and Alessandro Somma on fascist contract theory.

第二部分是以 Pier Giuseppe Monateri 和 Alessandro Somma 对法西斯主义契约理论的贡献为开端的。

Delio Rossi, who left Atalanta last week, and Empoli tactician Mario Somma are other possibilities.

上周刚离开亚特兰大的罗西和恩波利主帅Mario Somma也可能是俱乐部的选择。

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更多网络解释与somma相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


solvus 固溶体分解曲线 | somma 外轮山 | sonar 声纳

somma:总和, 一笔款项

necessario 必须的 | somma 总和, 一笔款项 | sostenere 支撑, 支持

somma:二重火山的旧喷火璧 外輪山

■ solution 解 解 | ■ somma 二重火山的旧喷火璧 外輪山 | ■ sonic wave 声波 音波


数学基础 / basi della matematica | 加法 somma | 减法 sottrazione

la somma:和

乘法 moltiplicazione | 和 la somma | 结果 il risultato

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