英语人>词典>英汉 : solitary wave的中文,翻译,解释,例句
solitary wave的中文,翻译,解释,例句

solitary wave

solitary wave的基本解释


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Using algebraic methods which include extended Tanh-method,some new solitary solutions to the DBM and Log-DBM equation,such as singular solitary solutions,double singular peakon solitary wave solutions,double solitary wave solution with peakon and singular periodic solitary wave solutions are obtained..With the aid of an auxilitary function combined with the elliptic integral of the first kind,periodic solitary solution,singular and periodic singular solitary solutions can be obtained.


The solitary wave can be generated considering Goring and Raichlen's movement of a paddle. The proposed original linear solution for the solitary wave generation is expressed in the hypergeometric function. Two disadvantages of the original solution with large trailing wave and skewed wave profile are found by comparing with the theory of solitary wave derived from Boussinesq's equation. The difference between the original linear solution and the solitary wave theory results from the nonlinearity and dispersion of generated waves in the flume.

本文并以弱非线性的孤立波造波问题做为解析之对象,由於孤立波造波板速度为一超越函数,造成解析上的困难;本文以 hypergeometric 函数推求常微分方程式之全解,并与理论波形解比较后,发现由於未考虑非线性及分散性过强等问题,使得线性暂态解较理论波形拉长与歪斜,可能无法有效描述孤立波造波问题,故针对线性之分散关系做出修正。

Chapter 2 is devoted to study of exact solutions of the nonlinear evolution equations. Using solutions of a Bernoulli equation instead of tanh in tanh-function method we find some more general solutions of the KdV-Burgers-Kuramoto equation , and by using the nonlinear telegraph equation we show that there are many different choices on its balancing number m and the power n of the nonlinear term in Bernoulli equation by which we can recover the previously known solutions and also can derive new square root type solitary wave solutions. Exact solitary wave solutions for a surface wave equation are obtained by means of the homogeneous balance method. We also present an approach for constructing the solitary wave solutions and non-solitary wave solutions of the nonlinear evolution equations by using the homogeneous balance method directly, which is also used to find the steady state solutions, solitary wave solutions and the non-solitary wave solutions of the 2+1 dimensional dispersive long wave equations. The soliton-like solutions of the BLMP equation and the 2+1 dimensional breaking soliton equation are found by use of the symbolic-computation-based Method.


更多网络解释与solitary wave相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

solitary wave:孤立波

" 孤立波(Solitary Wave)是局域化、大幅度的相干脉冲波. 它具有与另一孤子相互作用(例如碰撞)后仍然保持其完整性(保持波形、振幅和波速不变),并呈非线性行波(孤波)持续地在空间作长距离传播的特性,最终形成某种准规则的相干结构. 孤子具有宏观的

solitary wave:孤波

到1996年底为止,混沌(chaos,也译作"浑沌")、分形和孤子(soliton,有时也称"孤波" (solitary wave))仍然是非线性科学(nonlinear science)中最重要的三个概念.

solitary wave:孤波 孤立波

■ Solid-state Array Spectroradiometer, SAS 固体列阵式光谱辐射计 電気式分光計 | ■ solitary wave 孤波 孤立波 | ■ solution 解 解