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snow pear的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

snow pear

snow pear的基本解释


更多网络例句与snow pear相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By using factor analysis method, the effects of Pb(superscript 2+), Cd(superscript 2+) on physiology of seedling trees of Yunhe Snow Pear were studied.

方法]采用因子分析法,研究Pb(上标 2+)、Cd(上标 2+)及其复合污染对云和雪梨苗生理机能的影响。

Those who rob " booty ", little a 3 snow pear, many cash 1000 multivariate, among them, the cash that differs to hundreds of yuan with a few yuan is in the majority.


The research aimed to study the effects of calcium ions Pb(superscript 2+ and plumbum ions Cd(superscript 2+ on the physiological and biochemical indices of seedling trees of Yunhe Snow Pear to provide references for produce of Yunhe Snow Pear.

[目的]研究Pb(上标 2+)、Cd(上标 2+)及其复合处理对云和雪梨树苗生理生化指标的影响,为种苗生产提供参考。

Want to have warm winter one year, Shandong side of the pear in full bloom in the depths of winter, Ewha wins snow, snow like pear, that scenery is indeed spectacular.


Spring in the orchard, Meteors Apricot, peach diffuse Xia, snow pear, Fengdie chase clamor, and prepare the sweetness of life and the fragrance of spring ......


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更多网络解释与snow pear相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Boiled Snow Pear with Lily:雪梨炖百合

13 蛋挞 Egg Tart | 14 雪梨炖百合 Boiled Snow Pear with Lily | 15 银耳炖雪梨 Boiled Snow Pear with White Fungus

:Snow Pear and Lily Bulbs Soup:雪梨炖百合

1939、拔丝山药 Chinese Yam in Hot Toffee | 1940、雪梨炖百合 Snow Pear and Lily Bulbs Soup | 1941、冰糖莲子银耳羹 Lotus Seeds and White Fungus Soup

Snow Pear Juice:雪梨汁

西瓜汁Watermelon Juice | 雪梨汁Snow Pear Juice | 柠檬汁Lemon Juice

snow pear:雪梨

snow pea with preserved vegetable 雪菜毛豆 | snow pear 雪梨 | snow plough 雪犁

snow pear congee:雪梨粥

红薯粥Sweet potato congee | 雪梨粥snow pear congee | 皮蛋瘦肉粥preserved egg congee

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