英语人>词典>英汉 : snow level的中文,翻译,解释,例句
snow level的中文,翻译,解释,例句

snow level

snow level的基本解释


snow level所属的单词分类
Weather / 天气 [276]

wind shear · weather satellite · tropical storm · tropical disturbance · tropical depression · supercell · snow level · snow flurry · rain shadow · prevailing wind

更多网络例句与snow level相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Xue Xiang is not a matter of fact, on the street, the house is the steeple, paved the thick snow (It is said that the level will be pressure to the collapse of the snow), Yan Xia all hung up red lanterns, as the sun in the cedar, gold Guang Cancan, chimney smoke curl upwards on the streets there is a big fat dog walked up and down, occasionally bark twice, the plot of the river thick snow, go to step 1, 10 1, 10 grumble grumble to sound ~~ roadside organized through the snow The township, with a drink of the food used, it is estimated that each person was carrying about 20 kilograms, I have come to endure hardship is not a holiday, so travel is more appropriate to look at other people through me.

薛向不是事实上,在街道上,众议院是尖塔,铺平了厚厚的雪(这是说,将压力水平的崩溃,雪),颜西呵所有挂了红灯笼,因为太阳在雪松,金广康康舞,烟囱黑烟袅袅的街道上有一个大肥狗走来走去,偶尔树皮两次,情节河厚的积雪,则转到步骤1, 10 1 , 10发牢骚发牢骚健全路边积雪组织通过乡镇,以饮料食品使用,据估计,每个人携带约20公斤,我是来吃苦不是假日,所以旅行更适合看看其他人通过我。

Terrain heightened can enhance blocking effect, which lead to strengthen water vapor flux divergence and vertical convection, and cloud water increases but centralizes in the middle-low level. This change intensify accretion of snow by collecting more supercooled cloud water, and rain water converts into graupel by collecting more snow, and dry growth of graupel increase at the same time. Rain water augment because of more graupel melting, and rain water continue to increase by collecting cloud water in the low level.


The study of the effect of vegetation on snow ablation can be used to predict the snowline, glacier and water level. The snow ablation is observed in the Picea crassifolia, shrub, frost edge and grassland of sunny slope at the altitudes between 2600 and 2700m from 2003 to 2007. The daily variable of snow depth and the change of snow coverage and the sensible heat flux of snow surface are used to determine the snow ablation at Pailugou Basin of Water Conservation Forest in the Qilian Mountains. The observation began with the snowfall in October and ended at the completely ablation of snow in May, and got 1344000 observation data.

为研究祁连山植被对积雪消融的影响,利用人工调查积雪深度逐日变化量和积雪盖度变化,并结合空气雪面感热通量观测,对祁连山水源林生态站排露沟流域海拔2600~2700 m青海云杉林、灌丛林、林缘、阳坡草地在2003-2007年的积雪消融进行了研究,每年的观测从10月降雪开始到翌年5月积雪消融完结束,共获取数据134 400个。

更多网络解释与snow level相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

water gauge level:水尺高程

water equivalent of snow 雪水当量 | water gauge level 水尺高程 | water meters 水表


开始感受转弯时走刃(carving)及侧滑(skidding)的不同组合. (注 如果仔细观察别人,走刃时会在雪地上留下两道清晰的刀痕, 而侧滑时则会溅起很多雪花(spary snow bubble).)Level 7 可以以约与肩同宽的板距的平行转弯方式(parallel turn) 滑所有的中级道及简单的高级道.

snow limit:雪线

snow level ==> 噪声电平 | snow limit ==> 雪线 | snow line ==> 雪线