英语人>词典>英汉 : sideration的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

sideration [,sidə'reiʃən]


[医] 闪电状发病, 电击, 电灼疗法

更多网络例句与sideration相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, excessive con-sideration of the consequence of incomplete information will result in the fact that the relevant market may be rede-fined in a narrow scope and thus the representative function of market share will be impaired. Ultimately,there will be a paradox: people have to adopt market share due to incomplete information,and the effectiveness of market share may be impaired due to incomplete information.


Don't snap your fingers at his proposal;I think it at least merits our con sideration.


Out of con sideration for the bereaved family's feelings the papers did not print the story.


Staffs have innovation spirit,always show con sideration for customers, and are rust.


Based on the application of gas pressure welding in multilayer structure, the authors sum up construction experience, including selection of weld parameter, con- sideration needed in operation and test methods of weld points, and point out the direction of far- ther improvemrnt.


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side to side anastomosis 侧面侧面吻合术 | sideration 闪电状发病 | siderism 金属疗法

con sideration:代价

代表委任表格 p roxy form | 代价 con sideration | 代价发 con sideration issue

con sideration:约价

远期指 期权 / 长期指 期权 long-dated index options | 约价* con sideration | 约务替 nov ation

con sideration share:代价股份

代价发 con sideration issue | 代价股份 con sideration share | 代客买卖 ag ency trade

con sideration issue:代价发

代价 con sideration | 代价发 con sideration issue | 代价股份 con sideration share

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